[liberationtech] Muslims do not feel safe any more

Thomas Delrue thomas at epistulae.net
Wed Jun 15 10:25:42 PDT 2016

On 06/15/2016 12:44 PM, Maria Al-Masani wrote:
> Should genocide propaganda violate terms of use of social media and not be
> free-speech. Genocide propaganda is half truths, false, incendiary
> emotional information meant to incite murder and violence.

I think that's a question for the lawyers of the social media you refer
to, after all, they wrote the TOS.
Or are you 'begging the question' in order to advocate the curtailing of
speech you happen to dislike? Because if you are, then this will be a
very different kind of conversation.

> I briefly supported Trump before he started going crazy.

There was a /before/? (sorry, couldn't resist)

> I support the right of the left and right wing to discuss their ideas, but
> when it comes to bismerching and dehumanizing a group in society - whether
> it's men "it's the patriachy" or "all Muslims" for evil, allowing it hurts
> the quality of life.

I'm willing to believe the first part of your claim ("I support the
right of the left and right wing to discuss their ideas"),
unfortunately, it is followed with a 'but' and what follows seems to
create a discrepancy with the initial claim.
Anyone has the right to free speech, but no-one has the right to force
you to listen.

> What should people like us do?

First: don't curtail or limit free speech. Don't even suggest limiting
it; you wouldn't like the world we'd end up with. Sure, you'll hear
things you won't like and don't agree with, but so what, you're an adult
and you can deal with that!

Second: turn off your television and get off of twitter, facebook and
the like, in fact, stay off of the intertubes for a couple of days. Get
out of the echo chamber and go out campaigning for what you believe in.

Exercise your right to free speech, while you can, until someone who
doesn't like what /you/ are saying, tries to censor /you/.

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