[liberationtech] The Annual Twiplomacy Study is out

Lüfkens, Matthias Matthias.Luefkens at bm.com
Wed Jun 1 06:07:18 PDT 2016

How do world leaders use #Twitter, #Facebook, #Instagram and #Snapchat? Check out Burson-Marsteller's annual #Twiplomacy study http://bur.sn/Fs1D300DGkH and the new Twiplomacy.com website, the first social media atlas of world leaders and governments on social media.

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Matthias Lüfkens

Managing Director Digital, EMEA HQ

18, bd des Philosophes, CH-1205 Genève

o +41 22 593 6926 | m +41 79 514 47 81 | Matthias.Luefkens at bm.com<mailto:Matthias.Luefkens at bm.com>

Burson-Marsteller.com<http://www.burson-marsteller.com/> | @Twiplomacy<https://twitter.com/Luefkens> | @Luefkens<https://twitter.com/Luefkens> | /Luefkens<https://facebook.com/Luefkens>

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