[liberationtech] Need some advice re: online secure communications platform for a survivors group

Hapee de Groot hapee at hapee.org
Mon Jul 11 04:44:54 PDT 2016

I can not believe people are actually advising to use Google or things
hosted by SpiderOak but these solution might be secure but used for
advertisement purposes as well. Not sure if somebody already suggested
this but here is a list provided by huridocs:


also including Google and the below mentioned riseup. I also want to add
Greenhost which does host Mailman for client and is also expert in
secure hosting:

Kind regards,

On 07/11/2016 12:36 PM, casper wrote:
> Check out:
> https://we.riseup.net or
> https://www.systemli.org/en/service/hosting.html
> best regards
> casper
> On 11.07.2016 11:29, Jan Weisensee wrote:
>> Hello Lina,
>> I'm not sure what "high security levels" means, but given that this
>> group wants to discuss extremely personal and sensitive topics (namely
>> sexual assault / rape), choosing the services of a data company such as
>> Google, whose business model it is to access, analyse and sell private
>> data, doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
>> In my view:
>> - If the group is small (<10), I would use Signal or Threema.
>> - If not but there's some tech knowledge in the group, I'd get a server
>> at some place safe, set up an SSL certificate and install Mattermost on
>> that server.
>> - Otherwise, something similar to Mattermost is hosted by SpiderOak.
>> They call it "Semaphor", and it has full end-to-end encryption. Haven't
>> tried it myself but looks like a good solution for non-techy people.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Jan
>> On Mon, 2016-07-11 at 01:20 +0000, Steve Weis wrote:
>>> I'd use Google Apps for Nonprofits:
>>> http://www.google.com/nonprofits/
>>> It's simple, familiar, and the security is good enough for enterprise
>>> businesses.
>>> On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 4:56 PM Lina Srivastava
>>> <lina at linasrivastava.com <mailto:lina at linasrivastava.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> A new support group for survivors of campus sexual assault is looking
>>>> for a secure online communications platform. The group is not one of
>>>> my clients, nor am I a member of or advisor to the group -- I am
>>>> passing this request along as a favor -- so I have relatively little
>>>> information about membership numbers, etc. I do believe everyone who
>>>> is in the group is located in the U.S. or Canada. And they are
>>>> looking for high security levels, giving survivors the ability to
>>>> seek support from other members and to collectively organize for
>>>> changes to policy and legislation on rape and assault. They are
>>>> hoping to have password-protected login, private messaging, group
>>>> forums, file share, all encrypted.
>>>> Do any of you have advice for an existing platform that would provide
>>>> this that is relatively affordable?
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Lina
>>>> -- 
>>>> --
>>>> Lina Srivastava
>>>> --
>>>> twitter <http://twitter.com/lksriv>  |  linkedin
>>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/linasrivastava> |  facebook
>>>> <https://www.facebook.com/lina.srivastava>  | instagram
>>>> <http://instagram.com/lksriv/> 
>>>> www.linasrivastava.com <http://www.linasrivastava.com>
>>>> www.regardinghumanity.org <http://www.regardinghumanity.org> 
>>>> www.whoisdayanicristal.com <http://www.whoisdayanicristal.com>
>>>> --
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