[liberationtech] Harvard Kennedy School's MPA/ID Program (INFO SESSIONs in Accra, São Paulo, Nairobi, Kigali, Moscow and more) – pass it on!
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Wed Jul 6 14:26:25 PDT 2016
From: Finney, Carol <Carol_Finney at hks.harvard.edu>
At this time of year we begin our efforts to reach candidates for admission
to the Master in Public Administration in International Development (
*MPA/ID* <https://www.hks.harvard.edu/degrees/masters/mpa-id>) Program for
next fall.
I hope you will take a moment to *forward this message* to your colleagues
or young professionals in your network who might benefit from study in the
We are very proud to have enrolled students from over 100 countries over
the years. However, some areas are still underrepresented, so we would
especially appreciate your assistance in reaching prospective students
from *Africa,
*the* Middle East* and the *former Soviet Union*.
This summer, MPA/ID students and alumni will be hosting *information
sessions* <https://www.hks.harvard.edu/degrees/masters/mpa-id> in a number
of locations around the globe, including
*Accra, Ghana*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/7-9-2016-accra-MPAID> - July
9, 2016
*Manila, Philippines*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/2016ManilaMPAID> - July 9, 2016
*Moscow, Russia*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/2016MoscowMPAID> - July 9, 2016
*Sao Paulo, Brazil*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/7-13-16-saopaulo-mpaid>- July
13, 2016
*Amman, Jordan* <https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/2016AmmanMPAID>
- July 15, 2016
*Yangon, Myanmar*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/07-16-2016-Yangon-AO>- July
16, 2016
*Caracas, Venezuela*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/7-20-16-caracas-mpaid> - July
20, 2016
*Monrovia, Liberia*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/7-20-16-monrovia-mpaid> - July
20, 2016
*Nairobi, Kenya*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/7-20-16-nairobi-mpaid> - July
20, 2016
*Dar es Salaam, Tanzania *
July 23, 2016
*Kigali, Rwanda*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/2016KigaliMPAID3> - July 25,
*Kampala, Uganda*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/8-2-16-kampala-mpaid> - August
2, 2016
*Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia *
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/2016KualaLumpurMPAID>- August
3, 2016
Warm regards,
Carol J. Finney, Director
MPA/ID Program * Kennedy School of Government * Harvard University * 79 JFK
Street * Cambridge, MA 02138 * USA
*Master in Public Administration in International Development*
*Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University*
The Harvard Kennedy School’s newest degree program, the *MPA in
International Development (MPA/ID)*
<http://www.hks.harvard.edu/degrees/masters/mpa-id>, is designed to prepare
the next generation of leaders in international development. It is an
economics-centered, multi-disciplinary program, combining rigorous training
in analytical and quantitative methods with an emphasis on policy and
The MPA/ID Program is chaired by Professor *Lant Pritchett*
intellectual home of the MPA/ID students is Harvard's university-wide
research center, the *Center for International Development (CID)*
<http://www.cid.harvard.edu/> based at the Kennedy School and directed by
Professor *Ricardo Hausmann*
The MPA/ID Program offers unparalleled training for a professional career
in development. The mix of theoretical rigor with a practical approach has
proven to be a winning combination in the professional world. Our graduates
hold influential policy and management positions in a wide range of
international organizations, national governments, central and regional
banks, non-profit and research organizations, and private sector companies.
Our young alumni body includes the Minister of Planning of Ecuador, several
deputy ministers, 27 World Bank Young Professionals, a White House Fellow,
a member of the Irish Parliament, and several social entrepreneurs who have
received Echoing Green Fellowships, to mention just a few.
We are looking for applicants who:
- are committed to the economic, political, and social progress of
developing countries
- excel in economics and mathematics
- have excellent academic records
- have several years of international development work experience, and
- show potential for leadership in their future careers
International and US candidates are encouraged to apply. For Fall 2017
enrollment, the *application* *deadline will be December* *1, 2016*. For
more information on the MPA/ID Program, please see
*www.hks.harvard.edu/mpaid* <http://www.hks.harvard.edu/mpaid>
Prospective MPA/ID students are invited to attend:
*Washington, DC Information Session*
on *Friday, September **9, 2016* from 12:30 – 2:00 pm at the World Bank in
Washington, DC. *Registration required by Tuesday, September 6 at
**noon.* Please
sign up to attend this event *here*
*Cambridge Open House*
to be held at the Harvard Kennedy School in Cambridge, Massachusetts
on *Monday,
**October 17, 2016*. Please *register*
<https://admissions.hks.harvard.edu/register/mpaidopenhouseoct5> in advance.
*Virtual Information Session *- September 22, 2016. Check our website for
Carol J. Finney
Director, MPA/ID Program * Kennedy School of Government * Harvard
University * 79 JFK Street * Cambridge, MA * USA
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