[liberationtech] Muslims do not feel safe any more

Cristina [efecto99] efecto99 at riseup.net
Tue Jul 5 19:45:21 PDT 2016

On 15/06/16 14:25, Thomas Delrue wrote:
> On 06/15/2016 12:44 PM, Maria Al-Masani wrote:
>> I briefly supported Trump before he started going crazy.
> There was a /before/? (sorry, couldn't resist)

me neither: there was??!!
>> I support the right of the left and right wing to discuss their ideas, but
>> when it comes to bismerching and dehumanizing a group in society - whether
>> it's men "it's the patriachy" or "all Muslims" for evil, allowing it hurts
>> the quality of life.
> I'm willing to believe the first part of your claim ("I support the
> right of the left and right wing to discuss their ideas"),
> unfortunately, it is followed with a 'but' and what follows seems to
> create a discrepancy with the initial claim.
> Anyone has the right to free speech, but no-one has the right to force
> you to listen.
It seems Thomas you are from a country that privilege free speech over
any other human right. To know what are we talking about when we claim
about freedom of speech there is a document from NU that explain that
human right (notice than HR are not ideal ideas descending from Heaven:
they are agreements made after abuses from a part of the humanity
against other people, in fact US didn't ratify most of the HR agreements).*
Free speech cannot be allowed if it contain racial, religious, gender or
any other similar discrimination, because could become an apology for
xenophobia, etc.
There is a thin line between freedom of speech and apology of
violence/crimes/etc. and not always is simple to identify where one ends
and the other starts, then sorry, but is not as simply as "you have the
right of don't listen to it".

>> What should people like us do?
> First: don't curtail or limit free speech. Don't even suggest limiting
> it; you wouldn't like the world we'd end up with. Sure, you'll hear
> things you won't like and don't agree with, but so what, you're an adult
> and you can deal with that!
> Second: turn off your television and get off of twitter, facebook and
> the like, in fact, stay off of the intertubes for a couple of days. Get
> out of the echo chamber and go out campaigning for what you believe in.
> Exercise your right to free speech, while you can, until someone who
> doesn't like what /you/ are saying, tries to censor /you/.

Good advices. I will suggest one more to Maria and the rest of the
readers too: take a look at http://sister-hood.com/ and to the work of
this amazing woman, Deeyah Khan http://deeyah.com/. She is an
inspiration and a dedicate worker for Human Rights and she understand
particularly the muslims people -specially women- situation on the light
of the "war against terrorism". You will not regret of reading and
contact those references I'm sharing with you.

In hope of peace,

Cristina, from Argentina


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