[liberationtech] Reminder: CfP VOX-Pol Conference on Violent Extremism, Terrorism, & Internet
Maura Conway
maura.conway at dcu.ie
Mon Feb 29 08:20:08 PST 2016
**Apologies for cross-postings**
Dear Colleagues,
Just a reminder that the deadline for receipt of abstracts for our below
conference is this Friday, 4 March.
*LOCATION: *Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
*DATES: *23 – 24 June 2016 (pre-conf workshops 22 June)
The VOX-Pol Network of Excellence (voxpol.eu) is an EU-funded academic
research network focused on researching the prevalence, contours,
functions, and impacts of violent online political extremism and responses
to it. For more info., visit http://www.voxpol.eu or follow us on Twitter
at @VOX_Pol.
We are seeking panels and papers describing and discussing in-depth and
cutting-edge research on violent political extremism and terrorism and the
Perspectives from all academic (sub-)disciplines are welcome, particularly
communications, computer science, cultural studies, ethnography, fan
studies, information science, international relations, internet studies,
law, media studies, philosophy, politics, psychology, sociology,
translation studies, and terrorism studies.
The following topics are of particular interest:
- History and evolution of violent online extremism;
- Online radicalisation;
- The Internet and recruitment into violent political extremist and
terrorist groups;
- Methodologies, including mixed methods approaches, for violent
political extremism and terrorism-related Internet research;
- Children/youth, violent political extremism, and online content;
- Women/gender, violent political extremism, and online content;
- Case studies of particular (sub-)groups’ cross-platform use of the
Internet and social media;
- Case studies of the use of the Internet by violent extremists and/or
terrorists in particular countries or regions;
- Case studies of the manifestation(s) and workings of violent political
extremism on specific online platforms, particularly less-studied platforms
(e.g. JustPaste.It, Tumblr, VKontakte);
- Case studies of particular online mediums or Internet-related
technologies (e.g. video, mobile telephones, etc.) and their roles in
violent online extremism;
- The role of online crowdsourcing in violent political extremism and
- Audience reception of violent online political extremist content;
- Policy/legislative and other responses to violent online political
extremism, including online CVE activity;
- The role of the Darkweb in contemporary violent extremism and/or
- Ethical issues surrounding online extremism-related research;
- Evaluative or ‘taking stock’ analyses.
We welcome papers or panel proposals in these and all relevant areas,
particularly empirically grounded research and papers reporting significant
new results. Papers that are methodologically innovative are also
especially welcome.
Authors of individual papers should submit a 300-word abstract via our
submission page <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=voxpol2016>* by
5pm GMT on Friday, 4 March 2016. Panel proposals should include a 200-word
abstract and confirmed list of minimum 3 panelists.
For information on pre-conference workshops, keynote speakers, registration
fees, travel funding, visas, etc. Please visit the conference page on our
*Dr. Maura Conway*
*Senior Lecturer in International Security *School of Law and Government
Dublin City University
Dublin 9
Tel. +353 1 700 6472
E-Mail. maura.conway at dcu.ie
Skype. galwaygrrl
Twitter: @galwaygrrl
Website: http://doras.dcu.ie/view/people/Conway,_Maura.html
VOX-Pol Project on Violent Online Political Extremism
Website: http://www.voxpol.eu
Twitter: @VOX_Pol
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