[liberationtech] Thiel Fellowship

Carolyn Santo cysanto at hawaii.rr.com
Fri Feb 26 23:38:45 PST 2016

Thank you for sharing this!  I'll keep it in mind for my 14 year old 
son.  He is definitely an out-of-the-box type of thinker.  132 IQ, but 
doesn't do his homework. . . ugh!

Happy weekend!

Carolyn Santo
CO '81

On 2/26/2016 8:06 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:
> From: *Amrit Kandel* <amrit at himanchal.org <mailto:amrit at himanchal.org>>
> I'm looking for a Software Engineering student that would be 
> interested in submitting an application to The Thiel Fellowship. The 
> applicant must be 22 years or under.
> I will help with every step of the application.
> To learn more about The Thiel Fellowship, please visit 
> http://thielfellowship.org/
> Thanks
> AmritÂ

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