[liberationtech] Filterwatch, a series of podcast about Iran's Filternet

Amin Sabeti aminsabeti at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 04:14:19 PST 2016


We've recently released a new brand podcast at Small Media: Filterwatch. A
press release is included below, and you can listen to the first episode
here <https://smallmedia.org.uk/news/filterwatch-episode-one>, and the
second episode here

The recent implementation of the nuclear deal brought with it the hope that
the Iranian internet might become a bit more open and free. But is Iran’s
old habit of internet filtering really going to die that easily?

This is one of many questions that our brand new podcast series Filterwatch
sets out to address. Over the past few years, Small Media has published
monthly reports detailing the latest developments in Iranian internet
policy. We’ve investigated topics including Iran’s domestic search engines,
its annual ICT budget, and recent shakeups at the country’s top internet
policy body.

We see this podcast series as an opportunity to go beyond the headlines to
cover Iranian internet censorship and policy in an engaging and accessible
way. Each episode will include a quick roundup of ICT news, and in-depth
discussion of our feature topic, and a look at what Iranian politicians and
public officials are saying about internet policy.

In short, this podcast is a one stop shop for all the latest news and
analysis about the Iranian internet.

In our first episode
<https://smallmedia.org.uk/news/filterwatch-episode-one>, we discuss our
predictions for the Iranian internet in 2016.

Will Facebook and Twitter be unblocked? Is Iran set to become a regional
startup powerhouse? And what’s going to happen with messaging apps like
Viber and Telegram?

Our second episode
<https://soundcloud.com/small-media/episode-2-irans-ict-budget> breaks down
Iran’s recently announced ICT budget.  We crunch the numbers and discuss
what they suggest about Rouhani’s commitment to infrastructure spending,
Iran’s national internet, domestic developers, and more.


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