[liberationtech] popular circumvention tools have been blocked in Iran

Joseph Lorenzo Hall joe at cdt.org
Wed Feb 10 08:09:34 PST 2016

Do we have any indication as to how they are blocking (e.g., given Iran's
past history, I'd tend to think it involves fingerprinting circumvention
tech protocols). best, Joe

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 6:50 AM, Nariman Gharib <nariman.gh at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Since 5 of  January 2016, Many popular circumvention tools such as Psiphon
> have seen a large drop in their connections from Iran. Which leaves
> millions of users behind the censorship wall.
> You can clearly see the drop on Tor service for Iran in this period:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/userstats-relay-country.html?start=2015-11-12&end=2016-02-10&country=ir&events=off
> about 2 weeks ago in Manototv.com website I've launched a survey and one
> of the questions which I've asked from people was : " if you are not using
> Lantern, which proxy tools are you using. "
> about 7K people were participated in that survey. You can find the survey
> here, I hope it help you guys to develop more tools and also help these
> organisations to improve their services.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MjQa9MHZmFx023a3ZvTYSgkzstJm9lZ77ogf6YyZiXw/edit?usp=sharing
> P.S: in the last 1 month I've received 198K new emails to get proxy tool
> from Iran. // on Telegram, my bot is serving 127K users which in total
> they've requested about 500K times to get circumvention tools [
> Psiphon,Lantern,Hotspotshield,FreedomVPN ].
> Thank you
> @NarimanGharib
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Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Chief Technologist, Center for Democracy & Technology [https://www.cdt.org]
e: joe at cdt.org, p: 202.407.8825, pgp: https://josephhall.org/gpg-key
Fingerprint: 3CA2 8D7B 9F6D DBD3 4B10  1607 5F86 6987 40A9 A871

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