[liberationtech] popular circumvention tools have been blocked in Iran

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Wed Feb 10 04:46:48 PST 2016

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016, at 06:50 AM, Nariman Gharib wrote:
> about 2 weeks ago in Manototv.com website I've launched a survey and one
> of
> the questions which I've asked from people was : " if you are not using
> Lantern, which proxy tools are you using. "

Are you saying that, as of now, Lantern is the overwhelming favorite
solution? Why did you pose the question that way?

> about 7K people were participated in that survey. You can find the survey
> here, I hope it help you guys to develop more tools and also help these
> organisations to improve their services.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MjQa9MHZmFx023a3ZvTYSgkzstJm9lZ77ogf6YyZiXw/edit?usp=sharing

Thank you so much for sharing. Always good to have these insights.

> P.S: in the last 1 month I've received 198K new emails to get proxy tool
> from Iran. // on Telegram, my bot is serving 127K users which in total
> they've requested about 500K times to get circumvention tools [
> Psiphon,Lantern,Hotspotshield,FreedomVPN ].

Can we make sure Orbot / Tor is part of that list? The new VPN mode in
Orbot, plus the new built-in bridges, makes it a good option, as well.


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