[liberationtech] Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Summit in Belgium

Heather Leson heatherleson at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 23:22:23 PDT 2016


The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team is hosting our annual summit in
Brussels, Belgium on September 22, 2016. You are invited. This is part of a
week long series of map related events called Maptember[1].

HOT is 6 years young. We really aim to widen the circle to policy,
educators, researchers and, of course, programmes which use community
mapping for good.

Details:   http://summit.hotosm.org/

[1] http://maptember.brussels/

Thanks and hope to see you there.


Heather Leson
heatherleson at gmail.com
Twitter/skype: HeatherLeson
Blog: textontechs.com
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