[liberationtech] Release of the Surveillance Industry Index

Eva Blum-Dumontet eva at privacyinternational.org
Tue Aug 9 07:32:16 PDT 2016

Hi all,

some of you may have seen it already but for those who haven’t Privacy International, along with Transparency Toolkit, released a new searchable database for the Surveillance Industry Index, the largest publicly available educational resource of data and documents on the surveillance industry, which we have been compiling over the past 6 years.


Based on this, we have also published a report analysing the evolution of the surveillance industry since the 70’s, it’s available here: https://privacyinternational.org/node/911 <https://privacyinternational.org/node/911>

Eva Blum-Dumontet

Eva Blum-Dumontet
Research Officer
Privacy International
Skype: Eva Blum Dumontet | Twitter: @Arcadian_O
+44 (0) 20 3422 4321
PGP: 0x3E8F9395D1F39A45

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