[liberationtech] lawsuit on behalf of researchers who study the Internet

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Aug 3 18:58:21 PDT 2016

From: Christian Sandvig <csandvig at umich.edu>

Update: A community of devs interested in public policy started an petition
in support of our court case. This is a case filed on behalf of AoIR
researchers and against the CFAA/US Government.

It is very sweet of them to make this petition. If you agree, you may want
to sign it.

Context below.


On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Christian Sandvig <
christian.sandvig at umich.edu> wrote:

> Dear AIR colleagues,
> On Wednesday I joined other Internet researchers and filed a lawsuit
> against the US Government to protect the legal right to conduct online
> research. The case was just called "key to the future of social science."
>  I thought this issue might be of interest to some of you. If so, please
> feel free to read and share the details below. Note that I filed this
> lawsuit as a private citizen and it does not involve my university.
> Yours sincerely,
> Christian
> --
> http://www.niftyc.org
> Why I am Suing the Government
> (or: I write scripts, bots, and scrapers that collect online data)
> Most of What You Do Online Is Illegal. Let's End the Absurdity.
> by Christian Sandvig and Karrie Karahalios
> *The Guardian *(Op-Ed)
> Legal Complaint: Sandvig v. Lynch
> https://www.aclu.org/legal-document/sandvig-v-lynch-complaint
> Researchers Sue The Government Over Computer Hacking Law
> When Should Hacking Be Legal? A Group of Academics and Journalists Say a
> Federal Computer-Fraud Law Criminalizes Their Work
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