[liberationtech] Fwd: MFG/Stanford PACS launches Good Data Grants
Vivek S.
vivekdse at stanford.edu
Tue Aug 2 16:01:25 PDT 2016
Would be of interest to many in the libtech community.
Warm regards
S. Vivek
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cord Bynum <cord at spokeconsulting.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 10:15 AM
Subject: MFG/Stanford PACS launches Good Data Grants
To: vivekdse at stanford.edu
Cc: Erin | Spoke <erin at spokeconsulting.com>, Lucy Bernholz <
bernholz at stanford.edu>
Hi Vivek,
I’m writing on behalf of *Markets for Good *at* Stanford PACS*.
Markets for Good is excited to launch its *Good Data Grants* program this
week, and we wanted to reach out to make sure this is on your radar at the
Program on Liberation Technology. Should be a great opportunity for folks
in your network.
I’m forwarding the press release, but if it appears a little funky in your
email here’s a link:
The full RFP is on the MFG site:
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July 27, 2016
Erin Fogg 831-515-6403
erin at spokeconsulting.com
<erin at spokeconsulting.com?subject=PACS%20Media%20Inquiry>
Markets for Good Launches Good Data Grants for a Higher Impact Social Sector
*New grants program from Stanford PACS will fund research and innovation to
help the social sector use data safely, ethically, and effectively to
improve its work.*
STANFORD, CA - Markets for Good <http://www.marketsforgood.org/> (MFG),
an initiative of the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society
<http://pacscenter.stanford.edu/> (Stanford PACS), announced today that it
is launching a new national grant opportunity, Good Data Grants
With the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
<http://www.gatesfoundation.org/>, the Good Data Grants program will
focus on the role of digital data and infrastructure to improve
decision-making in philanthropy (particularly individual giving) and in the
social sector writ large.
Grants will be awarded for two types of projects: scholarly research and
practical innovations. The program aims to support research, prototypes,
and shared learning that can help donors and social sector organizations
use digital data safely, ethically, and effectively to improve their work.
Lucy Bernholz, Senior Research Scholar at Stanford PACS and Director
of its Digital
Civil Society Lab <http://pacscenter.stanford.edu/digital-civil-society/>,
said of the new program: "We're excited to support new ideas and
innovations that will help nonprofits and donors boost their impact through
the responsible and effective use of digital data. We'll draw on
the resources and expertise of the MFG and Digital Civil Society Lab
communities to support grantees and help them share their work for the
benefit of the entire social sector."
The launch of the Good Data Grants program marks the first year of a
planned three-year grants program. For its first year, Markets for Good
will select 5 to 15 grantees to receive funding from a pool of $200,000.
The deadline for proposals is September 30, 2016, and grants will be
announced and awarded in November 2016.
Markets for Good will host three live webinars to discuss the grants
program in detail and respond to questions from potential applicants
(click below to RSVP):
- August 10 — 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
- August 29 — 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
- September 20 — 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
Grantees will be invited to the Do Good Data conference at Stanford in
February 2017 and will present the outcomes of their work to the MFG
community in the fall of 2017.
Good Data Grants are intended to support researchers and innovators in
developing new learning and tools that the entire social sector can use to
improve the safe, ethical, and effective use of data in the digital age.
All work supported by Good Data grants will be publicly shared and geared
toward improving practice in the field.
To learn more, view the full Request for Proposal
For more information, please visit www.marketsforgood.org
Markets for Good (MFG) improves the data infrastructure for social good. We
share ideas and support innovation to advance the safe, ethical, and
effective use of digital data for a higher impact social sector.
MFG facilitates the online exchange of expert and practical data-related
knowledge through a robust online community, and we foster innovation and
original research with grants and mentorship. We also host in-person events
that foster knowledge sharing and ideation for the community, as well as
cross-sector information sharing between public and private sector
partners, and research on emerging relevant issues.
To learn more or schedule interviews, contact Erin Fogg at 831-515-6403
or visit marketsforgood.org <http://www.marketsforgood.org/>.
The Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (Stanford PACS) is a
research center where scholars, practitioners, and leaders come together to
explore ideas for social change. Stanford PACS publishes the
preeminent Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR). This interdisciplinary
center works with 5 schools, 20 departments, and 100 faculty affiliates to
catalyze innovative research and explore new ideas to improve philanthropy
and strengthen civil society.
To learn more or schedule interviews, contact Erin Fogg at 831-515-6403 or
visit pacscenter.stanford.edu.
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