[liberationtech] Online Environmental Project; Request for Articles

cbejaran cbejaran at uci.edu
Sun Apr 24 22:13:52 PDT 2016

Dear colleagues,

In honor of Earth Day and in light of the recent invisible catastrophe 
in Flint, MI, I'd like to tell you about an online project I started 
which is dedicated to making exposure to toxic chemicals visible 
(www.ExposingExposure.org). If you are interested in contributing an 
article to this project, please email me at ctbejarano at gmail.com. I'm 
hoping this will be a truly interdisciplinary project with contributors 
from all fields interested in environmental issues.

Looking forward to reading your comments and submissions.

All the best,

Cristina T. Bejarano
UC Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow
Anthropology  Department
University of California, Riverside

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