[liberationtech] #YesWeCode Initiative - & Prince

Juan Benet juan at benet.ai
Fri Apr 22 20:42:26 PDT 2016

*REMINDER: *This is a list for announcements about important Liberation
Technology efforts, not tangential political arguments. Let's keep it that

@Jayne:  Thank you very much for sending this announcement. #YesWeCode
looks interesting. And sorry, our list is usually much more welcoming. I'll
donate $50 to make amends for the rude welcome.
- Glad to see a diverse team <http://www.yeswecode.org/team> + advisory
board <http://www.yeswecode.org/advisory_board>
- I'm surprised you have no links to code on the site? I think it would be
a good idea to get people involved with open source, as some open source
projects provied fantastic mentorship and the ability for people to jump
right into experienced teams alongside industry veterans shipping
highly-used software. Consider starting off by having your own website's
code on github so others can contribute.
- I'd also love for your site to link to educational materials. People can
learn online and do not need to go to events.
   - Great academic resources at Khan Academy
<https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming>, EdX
<https://www.edx.org/course/subject/computer-science>, and Coursera
   - Great "learn programming" community efforts like http://nodeschool.io/
 and http://cyber.wizard.institute/ (right in oakland, which you mentioned)

> I would help to fund #byanykludgenecessary or #graspingthingsattherootacess
as better approaches to tech empowerment.

@Chris: could you provide links for those? i searched around but found
nothing of note. please send them to the list. I'm sure many here would
help those efforts too.

I'd love to see the data and metrics for these kinds of programs. It will
be easier for us to support the right ones if we see *how much impact* they're
having. It would be particularly useful to see {standard of living, income,
employment} before and after exposure to the programs, distributions of
people reached (age groups, which minority group, etc), and so on. Also
useful to look at the outreach numbers, and drop-off numbers. Knowing more
about the funnels and rates will help us know how to help fix programs, and
also which programs mostly need scale. (@Chris could you send me the data
for the programs you mentioned? you said they're *better* so I assume you
have looked into the relevant numbers?)

Worth highlight this short analysis:
have dug into the data itself, but it looks astonishing. Also:
http://givingpledge.org/ (Note that Mark Zuckerberg  -- since he was
mentioned -- is in there). Let's not target "evil privileged white man
ultra-rich capitalists". It's a silly, tired, (and yes, racist!) strawman.
Systemic issues abound. Let's improve them. And let's not throw dirt at
people who try.

On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 10:18 PM Al Billings <albill at openbuddha.com> wrote:

> My, let's all trash someone dead an entire day in our political arguments.
> --
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