[liberationtech] CfP: Privacy Aware Machine Learning (PAML) for Health Data Science
Sven Wohlgemuth
swohlge at live.de
Mon Apr 18 05:52:00 PDT 2016
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Call for Papers
Special Session on Privacy Aware Machine Learning (PAML) for Health Data Science
Keynote by Bernhard SCHÖLKOPF, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Empirical Inference Department
ARES / CD-ARES conference 2016
supported by the International Federation of Information Processing IFIP TC5, WG 8.4, and WG 8.9
This CfP addresses that k-anonymity is a NP-hard problem, which cannot be solved by automatic machine learning (aML) approaches. so that one needs to often make use of approximation and heuristics. It claims for interactive machine learning (iML) approaches and putting a human-in-the-loop where the central question remains open: “could human intelligence lead to general heuristics we can use to improve heuristics?”
Research topics covered by this special session include but are not limited to the following topics:
– Production of Open Data Sets
– Synthetic data sets for machine learning algorithm testing
– Privacy preserving machine learning, data mining, knowledge discovery
– Data leak detection
– Data citation
– Differential privacy
– Anonymization and pseudonymization
– Securing expert-in-the-loop machine learning systems
– Evaluation and benchmarking
This special session will bring together scientists with diverse backgrounds, interested in both the underlying theoretical principles as well as the application of such methods for practical use in the biomedical, life sciences and health care domain. The cross-domain integration and appraisal of different fields will provide an atmosphere to foster different perspectives and opinions; it will offer a platform for novel crazy ideas and a fresh look on the methodologies to put these ideas into business.
CfP @ http://hci-kdd.org/privacy-aware-machine-learning-for-data-science/
Information about submission:
Please feel free to encourage interested people for submission and re-distribute this CfP.
ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sven_Wohlgemuth
Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/swohlge/privacy-with-secondary-use-of-personal-information
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