[liberationtech] Privacy with Secondary Use of Personal Information

Sven Wohlgemuth swohlge at live.de
Tue Apr 12 03:39:25 PDT 2016

Dear Members of Liberationtech,

Please let me introduce this recently published research-in-progress called

Privacy with Secondary Use of Personal Information

Secondary use of personal information is of essential importance for the Internet of Things. The main application is resilience. Biometrics is an example for support of resilience in times of a natural disaster. The primary use of biometrics is to identify people; a secondary use is to improve healthcare services for affected people. This requires information sharing with third parties. The challenge faced for reliable support of the Internet of Things is safety. Special cases of security systems achieve safety for information flow, but they don’t scale for secondary use. Their users lose control on their identity. With the aim of improving usability of security, this research-in-progress proposes a multilateral information flow control. This is privacy as understood with informational self-determination. The key is usage control with secure delegation of rights and a secondary use of personal security-related information as Open Data. 

Slides and article of this research-in-progress article are available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/296694947_Privacy_with_Secondary_Use_of_Personal_Information

The slides are also available at http://de.slideshare.net/swohlge/privacy-with-secondary-use-of-personal-information 

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,
Sven Wohlgemuth

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/sven-wohlgemuth/4/766/26
ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sven_Wohlgemuth

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