[liberationtech] Invitation to contribute to "Post-Snowden Internet Policy" by Cogitatio Press

Walid AL-SAQAF walid.al-saqaf at ims.su.se
Wed Apr 6 08:57:32 PDT 2016

Dear all,

I am conveying to you an open invitation to contribute to the forthcoming
issue of Media and Communication Open Access Journal of Cogitatio Press
entitled "Post-Snowden Internet Policy" to be edited by Julia Pohle and Leo
Van Audenhove, and to be released
by the end of the year.

All relevant information is available at:

Cogitatio Press asked me to elate their interest in identifying world
leading experts -like many on this list- to produce a good set of highly
relevant research articles for this forthcoming issue. If you are
interested, please contact:

Mr. António Vieira <mac at cogitatiopress.com>
Managing Editor, Media and Communication
Cogitatio Press, 1070-129 Lisbon, Portugal

All the best.

Walid Al-Saqaf
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