[liberationtech] Boston Event: Mobile Tech for Nonprofits - A Global Health Success Story

Deborah Elizabeth Finn deborah.elizabeth at finn.com
Mon Apr 4 11:40:17 PDT 2016

Dear Liberation Technology Colleagues,

D-tree International and Tech Networks of Boston are pleased to invite
nonprofit professionals to a Roundtable session on mobile technology for
nonprofits. The special focus will be on one nonprofit organization’s
success in using mobile technology to support its global health mission.
Our featured guest will be Steve Ollis, the chief operating officer of
D-tree International.

Here’s what Steve has to say about this TNB Roundtable session:

"Learn about how D-tree International leverages the power of mobile
technology by creating mobile health applications that are used by
frontline health workers in Tanzania and Malawi. I will provide a demo of
our mobile health apps, and discuss how they are being used to save lives.
I will also lead a dialogue about how other organizations can leverage
mobile technologies to achieve their mission. You can learn more about our
work at D-tree.org, and connect with us on Twitter at @DtreeInt.”

Here's a bit more about Steve:

Steve Ollis is D-tree’s chief operating officer, and has over 20 years of
experience in management consulting, information technology, and public
health. Steve holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from the American
University and a master’s degree in business administration in information
systems and finance from the University of Maryland. He is also a certified
project management professional. Prior to joining D-tree, Steve worked for
the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative in Tanzania, directing programs in
pediatrics, prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV, and rural
care and treatment.

Please note:

1) In keeping with the spirit of the TNB Roundtable series, this session
will NOT be a sales pitch for any product or service.  This will be a
professional development opportunity for nonprofit professionals who want
to learn with and from their peers in other organizations.

2) This session is for employees of nonprofit organizations. It is not
designed to meet the needs of vendors, volunteers, students, consultants,
job-seekers, and others.

3) Priority in registration will be given to those who are employed by
nonprofit organizations that hold full membership in the Massachusetts
Nonprofit Network.

4) Participation in this session is free of charge for nonprofit
professionals. However, you must have a confirmed reservation in order to

5) If this session is booked to capacity by the time you seek to register
for it, please go ahead and put yourself on the waiting list. We have a
good track record of finding seats for nonprofit professionals on the
waiting list.

We hope that you can join us for a vigorous and informative conversation,
in which you will be welcome to share your knowledge and experience with
your peers.

To register for this TNB Roundtable session, please follow this link:


Best regards from Deborah

Deborah Elizabeth Finn | Senior Strategist
Tech Networks of Boston
1 Wadleigh Place | South Boston, MA  02127
Phone: 617.504.8188   | Fax: 888.527.9333
deborah at techboston.com | techboston.com
We are a Certified B Corp! | Visit our Boston Techie Blog
Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter!
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