[liberationtech] ICTD 2016 Ann Arbor, MI, USA | 3-6 June 2016
Terry Winograd
winograd at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Sep 17 14:53:26 PDT 2015
ICTD 2016 Ann Arbor, MI, USA | 3-6 June 2016 Call for Papers and Notes
Deadline for Submission of Full paper: November 20 2015
The Eighth International Conference on Information and Communication
Technologies and Development (ICTD2016), to be hosted at the
University of Michigan from June 3-6, 2016, cordially invites you to
submit Full Papers and Notes. Held in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI and
ACM SIGCAS, ICTD2016 will provide an international forum for scholarly
researchers to explore the role of information and communication
technologies (ICTs) in social, political, and economic development.
The ICTD conferences have been taking place approximately every 18
months since 2006; 2016 marks the first time that the conference will
go to an annual cycle.
Important dates
· November 20, 2015: Deadline for submission of Full Papers
· January 15, 2016: Notification of acceptances for Full Papers
· January 29, 2016: Deadline for submission of Notes
· February 26, 2016: Notification of acceptances for Notes
· March 25, 2016: Camera-ready Full Papers and Notes due
All submission are due 11:59 pm UTC.
Over the past several decades, as radio and television have been
joined by computers, the Internet, and mobile devices, information and
communication technologies (ICTs) have become more pervasive, more
accessible, and more relevant in the lives of people around the world.
Virtually no sphere of human activity remains apart from ICTs, from
markets to health care, education to governance, family life to
artistic expression. Diverse groups across the world interact with,
are affected by, and can shape the design of these technologies. The
ICTD conference is a place to understand these interactions, and to
examine, critique, and refine the persistent, pervasive hope that ICTs
can be enlisted by individuals and communities in the service of human
development. There are multidisciplinary challenges associated with
the engineering, application and adoption of ICTs in developing
regions and/or for development, with implications for design, policy,
and practice.
For the purposes of this conference, the term “ICT” comprises
electronic technologies for information processing and communication,
as well as systems, interventions, and platforms that are built on
such technologies. “Development” includes, but is not restricted to,
poverty alleviation, education, agriculture, healthcare, general
communication, gender equality, governance, infrastructure,
environment and sustainable livelihoods. The conference program will
reflect the multidisciplinary nature of ICTD research, with
anticipated contributions from fields including (but not limited to)
anthropology, computer science, communication, design, economics,
electrical engineering, geography, human-computer interaction,
information science, information systems, political science, public
health, and sociology.
Full Papers
An ICTD Full Paper, which is up to 10 pages in the ACM two-column
format (including references, figures and tables), must make a new
research contribution and provide complete and substantial support for
its results and conclusions. Accepted papers typically represent a
major advance for the field of ICTD. Full Papers will be evaluated via
double-blind peer review by a multidisciplinary panel of at least
three readers, one of whom will come from outside the paper’s
disciplinary domain in order to ensure broad readability. Accepted
Full Papers will be presented as oral presentations at the conference.
Full Papers will be evaluated according to their novel research
contribution, methodological soundness, theoretical framing and
reference to related work, quality of analysis, and quality of writing
and presentation. Manuscripts considering novel designs, new
technologies, project assessments, policy analyses, impact studies,
theoretical contributions, social issues around ICT and development,
and so forth will be considered. Well-analyzed negative results from
which generalizable conclusions can be drawn are also sought. Authors
are encouraged (but not required) to address the diversity of
approaches in ICTD research by providing context, implications, and
actionable guidance to researchers and practitioners beyond the
authors’ primary domains. Full Papers typically present mature work
whereas Notes (see below) are used for presenting preliminary research
that is still work-in-progress.
All accepted Full Papers will be archived in the ACM Digital Library.
A subset of the Full Papers will also appear in a special issue of the
Information Technologies & International Development journal.
See additional specifications under “All Submissions” below.
With a shorter 4-page limit, Notes are intended to introduce
work-in-progress that may be published later in a journal, as well as
to document shorter project write-ups. An ICTD Note is likely to have
a more focused and succinct research contribution to the ICTD field
than Full Papers. For example, Notes on novel ICTD systems may not
cover the entire design of the system but may instead go into depth in
specific areas (e.g., how the system was evaluated with real users or
how the formative work to create the system was conducted). Notes are
also not expected to include a discussion of related work that is as
broad and complete as that of a submission to the Full Papers venue.
Accepted Notes will be presented as poster presentations at the
Notes will be evaluated by at least two multidisciplinary reviewers in
a double-blind fashion and will be assessed according to their
research contribution, methodological soundness, quality of analysis,
and quality of writing, and presentation. Manuscripts considering
novel designs, new technologies, project assessments, policy analyses,
impact studies, theoretical contributions, social issues around ICT
and development, and so forth will be considered. However Notes need
not necessarily be as comprehensive, novel, or generalizable as Full
Papers. All accepted Notes will be made available in the ACM Digital
Library. Notes authors will be invited to present a poster.
See additional specifications under “All Submissions” below.
All Submissions
Only original, unpublished, research papers in English will be
considered. Full Papers and Notes must use the ACM templates (LaTex
and Word), and must be no longer than 10 pages and 4 pages
respectively. (The main text, figures, tables, footnotes, references,
etc. must fit within these page limits.) Additional material may be
included in an Appendix, but the text within the page limits must read
as a standalone work. Submissions longer than the page limits, not in
the template format, not related to the conference themes, and/or not
meeting a minimum bar of academic research writing will be rejected
without full review.
For each accepted Full Paper and Note, at least one of the authors
will be required to register and present it at ICTD2016. If not, the
submission will not be published in the final proceedings. For Full
Papers, see the ACMs copyright policies and options. Copyright for
Notes will be retained by the authors.
Submitted Full Papers and Notes must not include names or other
information that would identify the authors.
Note that since the Full Paper and Notes submission review cycles will
be sequential; it will be possible to revise, shorten, and resubmit
elements of promising but non-selected Full Papers in time for
reconsideration in the separate Notes review round.
For more information, see http://ictd2016.info or email Susan Wyche at
spwyche at msu.edu.
General Conference Chair
Kentaro Toyama, University of Michigan
Program Committee Chairs
Lakshmi Subramanian, New York University
Susan Wyche, Michigan State University
Notes Chairs
Carleen Maitland, Pennsylvania State University
Janaki Srinivasan, International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore
Senior Program Committee
Richard Anderson, University of Washington
Elizabeth Belding, U.C. Santa Barbara
Michael Best, United Nations University / Georgia Institute of Technology
Josh Blumenstock, University of Washington
Marshini Chetty, University of Maryland
Ed Cutrell, Microsoft Research India
Rogerio de Paula, IBM Research Brazil
Vanessa Frias-Martinez, University of Maryland
Heather Horst, RMIT University
Dorothea Kleine, Royal Holloway University of London
Rich Ling, Nanyang Technical University
Joyojeet Pal, University of Michigan
Balaji Parthasarathy, International Institute of Information
Technology Bangalore
Tapan Parikh, U.C. Berkeley
Nimmi Rangaswamy, Xerox Research Center India
Aaditeshwar Seth, IIT Delhi
Araba Sey, University of Washington
Charles Steinfield, Michigan State University
Revi Sterling, NetHope
Bill Thies, Microsoft Research India
ICTD Steering Committee
Francois Bar, University of Southern California
Michael Best, United Nations University / Georgia Institute of Technology
Ken Keniston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Balaji Parthasarathy, International Institute of Information
Technology, Bangalore
Krithi Ramamritham, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
AnnaLee Saxenian, University of California, Berkeley
Kentaro Toyama, University of Michigan
Ernest Wilson, University of Southern California
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