[liberationtech] [tor-talk] Library installs Tor exit node; pulls plug after pressure from DHS

Chris tmail299 at errtech.com
Fri Sep 11 17:06:41 PDT 2015

On 2015-09-11 07:19 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>> A lot of support should be lent right now to the city managers, 
>> library board,
>> and the community. You don't want the first one to be publicly quashed 
>> by
>> a bunch of shameful LEA fearmongering.
>> Show up the board meeting, you can bet they will.
> Someone should also see about notifying these folks,
> you might end up with an entire state full of relays...

- Free State Participant Here (not in NH yet though) -

I actually was wondering if it wasn't FSP participants who were working 
on the relays in the first place... though that said on a prior brief 
attempt to identify the main participants in the library project I could 
find no obvious connections. However that doesn't surprise me. I've also 
not identified any participation by other individuals in the FSP despite 
seeming like highly likely participants (for instance Ross Ulbricht of 
Silk Road fame holds many views held by said participants and his mother 
has even talked at multiple FSP events post arrest).

Unfortunately I haven't gotten very far with another campaign regarding 
the FCC's efforts to force manufacturers to lock down devices on Free 
Talk Live (which does promote the Free State Project and is run out of 
Keene, NH). I called in briefly as the show generally doesn't do 
interviews / talks and like many other shows. Rather they let anybody 
call in about anything (ie the name Free Talk Live). That said I'd still 
encourage people to call into Free Talk Live. Multiple people 
coordinating it would be a smart move and I'd be happy to participate in 
such a campaign to 'target FTL' (they wouldn't object).

The site and call in # can be found at https://www.freetalklive.com/ and 
the show airs daily on the east coast from 7PM-10PM 7 days a week.

There are other FSP media outlets (ie libtery-minded outlets heavily 
involved in the FSP). The Free Talk Live show seems to be the most 
outstanding from FSP events I've attended (ie they show up to Porcfest 
in the summer, which is an FSP summer camping event, and Liberty Forum, 
another winter event, traditional conference style).


* Also just noticed in on the site that there is a link to an article on 
the issue already.

Another show is Freedom Phoenix. I've had a lot of luck here, but I 
believe it is out in Arizona (ie phoenix). Not sure who in the NH region 
if anybody listens to it, but I know they've covered Porcfest before. 
I've been on the show twice and will be on for a third time this coming 
week (Tuesday September 15th) to talk about the FCC's efforts to ban 
free software (practical result/outcome of rule changes, not specific 
objective necessarily).


You might also try:









You might check out 411 Activist TXT Msg Distribution Service which 
sends out a message to all activists cell phones in the area:


Keene is about an hour away...

There is also Free Grafton 40 minutes away 

There is also Free Concord an hour 20 minutes away 

> https://freestateproject.org/
> http://forum.freestateproject.org/

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