[liberationtech] Fwd: Sept. 15 - International Democracy Day “TweetTalk” on Space for Civil Society #demtalk
Steven Clift
clift at e-democracy.org
Tue Sep 8 11:49:52 PDT 2015
From: National Democratic Institute <mail at ndipublicaffairs.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 1:25 PM
Subject: Sept. 15 - International Democracy Day “TweetTalk” on Space for
Civil Society
To: clift at e-democracy.org
[image: The Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening
(CEPPS) Banner]
The Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS)
invites you to join a Twitter chat on International Day of Democracy. The
theme of this year's Democracy Day is "space for civil society," a reminder
to governments everywhere that the hallmark of successful and stable
democracies is the presence of a strong and freely operating civil society.
*Click here to RSVP for the Twitter chat!*
The Twitter chat will be moderated by @CEPPS
and lead by representatives from the CEPPS core partner organizations: the
International Foundation for Electoral Systems (@IFES1987
the International Republican Institute (@IRIglobal
and the National Democratic Institute (@NDI
Please the
hashtag #DemTalk
Twitter to participate.
- *Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening* (@CEPPS
- *Kenneth Wollack* (@
president of the National Democratic Institute
- *Michael D. Svetlik* (@MDsvetlikIFES
vice president for programs of International Foundation for Electoral
Systems; and
- *Tom Garrett* (@ThomasEGarrett
vice president for programs International Republican Institute.
*What*: Democracy Day Twitter Discussion on "Space for Civil Society"
*Who*: Hosted by the Consortium for Elections and Political Process
Strengthening (@CEPPS
*When*: Wednesday, August 15, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET
For more information, please visit: https://www.ndi.org/demtalk
- National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
455 Massachusetts Ave., NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20001
United States
Contact Us
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