[liberationtech] PTC 2015 project grant call

Bruce Baikie bruce at green-wifi.org
Wed Sep 2 16:25:59 PDT 2015

The PTC Projects initiative provides both members and non-members the 
opportunity to develop and implement projects that promote the use of 
telecommunications and ICT to improve the quality of life in the Pacific 

The initiative’s goals are two-fold:

  * To help realizePTC’s vision and mission
  * To add to the value of PTC membership

      2015 Projects

2015 Request for Proposals (RFP) 
a Project Proposal <https://www.xcdsystem.com/PTC>|Draft Project 

PTC is now accepting project proposals for 2015 from both PTC members 
and non-members. Collaborative projects designed to solve practical 
problems are particularly encouraged.

Pleaseview the 2015 PTC Projects RFP (pdf) 
a complete description of the PTC Projects initiative, including 
proposal submission guidelines.

Submit your proposal <https://www.xcdsystem.com/PTC>via the online 
proposal submission system by*Friday, 23 October 2015*. Only online 
submissions will be considered.

For questions regarding the PTC Projects initiative, pleaseemail 
<mailto:projects at ptc.org>projects at ptc.org.

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