[liberationtech] Fwd: (MBM) Pro Bono Analytics webinar: October 28, 2015 at Noon

Deborah Elizabeth Finn deborah.elizabeth at finn.com
Thu Oct 22 08:06:45 PDT 2015

------original message------
From: Michael Johnson michael.johnson at umb.edu  via
Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 5:55 AM
Subject: (MBM) Pro Bono Analytics webinar: October 28, 2015 at Noon
To: "Mission-Based-Massachusetts at yahoogroups.com" <
Mission-Based-Massachusetts at yahoogroups.com>

Good morning!

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS<
https://www.informs.org/>), the leading professional association in
analytics and operations research, is launching a new initiative -- Pro
Bono Analytics - in an effort to connect analytics experts with non-profit
organizations seeking to improve how they achieve greater results by
leveraging data and information.

With Pro Bono Analytics, nonprofit organizations have the opportunity to
work with analytics professionals on a volunteer basis to help solve
challenges and create new opportunities for success with the scientific
process of transforming data into insight.

As part of the launch of Pro Bono Analytics<
https://www.informs.org/Pro-Bono-Analytics>, INFORMS will host a live
webinar on Wednesday, October 28 at 12 PM ET for leaders and managers of
nonprofit organizations. Michael Johnson, PhD<
https://www.umb.edu/academics/mgs/faculty/michael_johnson> -- an Associate
Professor of Public Affairs and Public Policy with the University of
Massachusetts Boston's McCormack Graduate School -- will lead the webinar
and is scheduled to be joined by other analytics professionals and
non-profit leaders.

To register for the webinar please visit:

For more information, please contact Olivia.Schmitz at Informs.org<mailto:
Olivia.Schmitz at Informs.org>.



Michael P. Johnson
Associate Professor
John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies<
Department of Public Policy and Public Affairs
      and Urban Planning and Community Development program
University of Massachusetts Boston
Boston, MA 02125-3393
p: 617-287-6967 | f: 617-287-6949 | e: michael.johnson at umb.edu
Like us on Facebook<
https://www.facebook.com/McCormackGraduateSchoolofPolicyandGlobalStudies> |
Follow us on Twitter<https://twitter.com/McCormackGrad> | Connect with us
on LinkedIn<http://www.linkedin.com/company/john-w-mccormack-graduate-school
Check out my new book: Decision Science for Housing and Community
http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118974999.html> (Wiley,


Mission-Based Massachusetts" is an email distribution list for topics
of general interest to people who care about nonprofit, philanthropic,
community-based, grassroots, and other mission-based organizations in the
Bay State.

It is a moderated, flame-free email distribution list that is open to
anyone who is interested in the topic and willing to adhere to the basic
principles of civil discourse.  The name of the group was chosen to
encourage inclusion of persons from all sectors and demographic categories,
rather than just nonprofit and philanthropic professionals.

To post a message to the entire group, prepare a regular email and send it
to Mission-Based-Massachusetts at yahoogroups.com .

To join the Mission-Based Massachusetts group, send a blank email to
Mission-Based-Massachusetts-SUBSCRIBE at yahoogroups.com .

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