[liberationtech] Setting up an experimental testbed for wireless mesh network

Christian Huldt christian at solvare.se
Wed Oct 14 10:39:00 PDT 2015

I believe http://battlemesh.org has documentation for babel, batman-adv,
bmx6, olsr and a few more

Or perhaps it is at https://github.com/battlemesh

Den 2015-10-14 kl. 18:57, skrev Yosem Companys:
> From: *Sailash Moirangthem* <sailashm at gmail.com
> <mailto:sailashm at gmail.com>>
> I am a student studying Digital Communications in India. I am trying
> to set up a wireless mesh network covering the whole campus of our
> college.
> I have currently 10 routers (TPLINK WN1043ND) updated with openwrt.
> I have been trying to run the BATMAN-ADV and 802.11s protocols in
> these routers, but unable to do so. Once set-up, my objective is to
> use it for video-surveillance system.
> The following configuration is what I want:
> Node1:
> Node2:
> and so on..till Node15
> I have followed the steps in
> http://www.radiusdesk.com/technical_discussions/batman_basic
> completely, but it still doesn't work.
> Please help. It would be helpful if the configuration files for
> setting up mesh with 802.11s (HWMN) can be given.

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