[liberationtech] The missing awareness: SMTP Security Indicator in Email|WebMail clients

poly poly at darkdepths.net
Sun Nov 1 06:29:24 PST 2015

hey Fabio,

> We are missing the ability for end-user to:
> - KNOW if emails being received from Mr. X has been in-transit encrypted.
> - KNOW if emails he's going to send to Mr. X are likely going to be
> in-transit encrypted

I took a look at this and it seems that the first one is definitely 
possible at least with GMail. I also think that it should be 
possible with other major webmail providers, but I will have to check
those individually.

While I don't have experience writing plugins for Chrome, I've used 
javascript quite a bit before. I'll give this a shot - if I manage to
get some working code I'll post it on github and link it here (and
credit you of course.)

About the second option - I say let's see how well the first goal
works out and then we'll think about the second.

What do you think?

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