[liberationtech] Digital Social Currency Design

Jaromil jaromil at dyne.org
Wed May 13 05:04:35 PDT 2015

Dear peers, friends and colleagues, comrades and futurists, 

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing you because in the past,
in a way or another, we have chatted, conspired and dreamed around the
scenario of cryptographic blockchain technologies and what Bitcoin meant
for all of us and our networks.

In the context of the D-CENT project we have just published the D4.4
document, a milestone for our research concerned not just with technical
or tactical aspects, but also social and political considerations that
we intend to translate into our future development.

You'll find this document as a PDF in attach, or also available to
download from the short url http://ow.ly/MQr1j

and in the resources section of D-CENT http://d-centproject.eu/resources

This deliverable focuses on the technical and design elements that shape
Digital Social Currency as a way to legitimate the bottom-up process by
means of auditable cryptographic blockchain technologies, respectively:
decentralized storage, ubiquitous wallets and ad-hoc social remuneration

I hope this document can contribute to our collective understanding of
the topic, spawn debates and reactions and more in general inspire our
communities. Feel free to distribute freely and reply me with your
thoughts, proposals and criticism.

best wishes

Denis Roio, Dyne.org Think & Do Tank, est. in 2000
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
Web: https://j.dyne.org Contact: https://j.dyne.org/c.vcf
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