[liberationtech] Techno-politics in Latin America (research)
Patricia Ortiz K.
portizkeme at gmail.com
Sun May 3 19:08:59 PDT 2015
If you are interested in including Venezuela let me know, I can put you in
touch with most of the important NGOs there.
thanks and good luck!
On Sunday, May 3, 2015, Bernardo Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all
> I share in this list my late research.
> It is a regional research that I am doing for OXFAM around new ways of
> protests, socia movements and politics in Latin American. It will be a
> policy brief + 6 deep graphs around different processes (one regional, the
> rests> Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Brasi, Honduras). Digital freedoms and
> free technology will be in the center of the study. In fact, Brazilian
> study will be around the effect of Snowden revelations in the country and
> region.
> More info
> Spanish>>
> http://codigo-abierto.cc/tecnopoliticalatam-nueva-investigacion-sobre-tecnopolitica-en-america-latina/
> Português>
> http://futuramedia.net/tecnopoliticalatam/tecnopoliticalatam-nova-pesquisa-sobre-tecnopolitica-na-america-latina
> Here a scoopit with relevant texts>
> http://www.scoop.it/t/tecnopolitica-by-bernardo-gutierrez-gonzalez
> Here a Twitter list with relevant accounts
> https://twitter.com/bernardosampa/lists/tecnopol-ticalatam
> I want it to be an open process. We are using the #tecnopoliticalLATAM
> for dialoguing.
> Besides texts of the local processes, I am searching interesting texts
> around the expansion of 15M-Indignados and Occupy in Latin America. Also
> about digital freedom campaigns.
> Thanks before hand
> Bernardo
> --
> www.futuramedia.net
> www.codigo-abierto.cc
> @bernardosampa (twitter) / @futura_media
> São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fixo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
Ask me about Community Schools and how you can support!
Patricia Ortiz Keme
phone: 650 995 3512
email: portizkeme at gmail.com
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