[liberationtech] Heavily drop packets in VOIP services in Iran

Nariman Gharib nariman.gh at gmail.com
Sun May 3 15:11:54 PDT 2015

Hi Libtech,

I don't know how many of you guys are following situation in Iran, but many
people in west are thinking because of President Rouhani, Internet
censorship situation is getting change and getting better in Iran. but
nothing happened yet. Yes, you haven't heard anything related to blocking
apps,popular services or websites but in other hand they are doing 'smart
filtering' and applying 'drop packet' on some ports and IPs and HTTPs

Today for example, I missed my mother and I tried to talk to her on the
Viber. every seconds our connection gets dropped. I recorded this event and
you can see here:

another person on twitter said that: you can't make a correct call within
Iran, Just 'Line' is works and that one is stopped working every minutes.

Then users are suggested him, services like: Skype and Hangout , webex

by the way, between between Feb 3, 2015 – May 3, 2015, I've received more
than 1m Download requests from Iran for downloading circumvention tools but
sadly because i stored my files on AWS and amazon is using HTTPs, most of
times users are having issue to complete the download process. I think it's
because of drop packet which government applied on Internet. (I'm not

I prepared a small report to give you an idea to what's happening.
This report contain URL+Hits (Requests)+Bandwidth Outbound+
Complete(Bytes)Transfers (Requests)


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