[liberationtech] "Building a Security Culture" -- MobLab Live with Aspiration -- April 8

Michael Silberman michael.silberman at greenpeace.org
Tue Mar 31 18:10:56 PDT 2015

Hi all -- Thought this upcoming session we're organizing would interest
some of you ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Emily Hunter <emily.hunter at greenpeace.org>
Date: Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 2:49 PM
Subject: JOIN 'MobLab Live' Talk on "Building a Security Culture" -- with

Join us next week for the upcoming “MobLab Live” talk on "Security Culture:
A People-centered approach to privacy technologies." Join us for a live
talk with an expert on creating a secure work environment for yourself and
your colleagues.
Learn cutting edge tips and tricks in building a "culture of security" to
better protect our communities of staff, activists, volunteers and

Register: http://goo.gl/forms/Pz7gTMZgJo

[image: Inline image 1]

Security Culture: A People-centered approach to Privacy Technologies

Wednesday 8 April 2015, 15:00 UTC / 11:00 EST (08:00 San Francisco, 10:00
Mexico City, Sao Paulo 12:00, 17:00 Amsterdam, 16:00 London, 18:00 Nairobi)

Guest speaker: Allen Gu*nn, Aspiration  *

In the wake of the “Snowden files” that exposed the mass surveillance
program by the CIA – creating better security and privacy has been a top
question for many non-profits and media agencies. But often the focus of
security has been on the technical side, with mysterious acronyms like PGP
and OTR. The missing ingredient for many groups is the culture itself,
creating a culture of security. Allen Gunn of Aspiration shares his tips
for success on how NGOs can foster a culture that makes security accessible
and meaningful in our everyday lives, including:


   People-Centered Approach: Creating a safe space in the workplace,
   establishing responsible data policies, conducting “audits” of your
   physical security and more

   Digital Jujutsu: Tools and tactics to outsmart authorities and be ahead
   of the curb in digital security


​: ​


[image: Inline image 3]

What is MobLab Live?

*"MobLab Live**" *is an online show exploring the world of digital
mobilisation and people-powered campaigning. Every month, the Mobilisation
Lab at Greenpeace will host a live conversation with external thought
leaders, activists and inspiring change-agents from across movements that
are building power in new ways -- and winning! Join us for an exciting
dialogue on modern-day activism.

Examining the emerging trends, tactics and tools in the mobilisation
world. MobLab
Live will showcase fresh and inspiring stories – from data-mapping that
enables citizen journalism, social media networks that empower volunteers
to self-organize, to creating a “culture of security” in the Post-Snowden
Age. These stories and more are coming soon to a Youtube near you!

When & Where: Every month, we’ll live-stream an expert talk via Google
Hangout and archive it on YouTube for those who can’t attend. Our goal is
to learn together, so we’ll always create space for participants to ask
questions and access additional resources from our expert guests.

Who: MobLab Live is open to all Greenpeace staff, supporters, volunteers,
as well as friends and allies - at no cost to participants.

Register: http://goo.gl/forms/Pz7gTMZgJo  <http://goo.gl/forms/qCFnfQ7BST>

EMILY HUNTER  |  Digital Mobilization Lab Fellow |  Mobilisation Lab at
[Tel / SMS] +1 647.290.2569  [skype] ecohuntress  [t] @ecohuntress  |

Currently: Toronto / EDT / UTC-5

MICHAEL SILBERMAN  |  Global Director  |  Mobilisation Lab at Greenpeace
[Tel / SMS] +1 202.505.4440  [skype] silbermanmichael  [t] @silbatron
<http://www.twitter.com/silbatron>  |  MobilisationLab.org

Currently: Washington / EST / UTC -5
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