[liberationtech] Your support is needed: Internet in Yemen is under assault

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Mar 27 07:12:44 PDT 2015

From: Walid Al-Saqaf <admin at alkasir.com>

Those of you who followed the news lately may have heard about the
intensifying conflict in Yemen, which has led to the blocking of of many
news and dissident websites.

Here's a story reflecting some of what happened:

This is unprecedented and unacceptable. It obliged us as ISOC-Yemen to
formally launch a campaign starting with the below statement (both in
English and Arabic), which is to be widely circulated and published on our
Facebook page here:

I'd appreciate your support by sharing, liking, commenting or take any
other actions you can to help our campaign. You can also re-publish the
text freely on your platforms.

Our intention is to stress that Internet access should not tampered with by
those involved in the conflict because it severely affects the confidence
of end-users in the Internet as a whole and their ability to use it

Thanks in advance for your support during those very difficult times in


Walid Al-Saqaf
Chair, ISOC-Yemen
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