[liberationtech] U.S. State Department anonymization laptops

Yasha Levine yl at sent.as
Tue Mar 24 12:20:00 PDT 2015

I believe this is the original 

https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/Good%20media,%20bad%20politics%20New%20media%20and%20the%20Syrian%20conflict.pdf <https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/Good%20media,%20bad%20politics%20New%20media%20and%20the%20Syrian%20conflict.pdf>

> On Mar 24, 2015, at 12:13 PM, Florian Weimer <fw at deneb.enyo.de> wrote:
> * Patrick:
>> I'd love to see the exact reference if you can find it.
> James Harkin, »Neue Medien in Syrien«, translated by Bernhard Schmid.
> Lettre International 104 (spring 2014 edition), p. 33.  Sadly, I have
> not found the English original online.
> Relevant quotes are:
> »Die amerikanische Botschaft in Damaskus hatte ihn [Amjad Siofy] und
> seine Freunde mit Proxy-Software und Satellitentelefonen versorgt, mit
> denen sich die Internetüberwachung des Regimes umgehen ließ. Man habe
> die Sachen über eine Organisation mit dem Namen Damascus Revolutionary
> Council verteilt, sagte er mir, aber das sei „nur Theater“ gewesen; es
> sollte nur niemand mitbekommen, daß Amerika bei der Bewaffnung der
> syrischen Revolution aushalf.«
> Approximate back-translation: “The U.S. embassy in Damascus supplied
> him [Amjad Siofy] and his friends with proxy software and satellite
> phones, with which they could evade the Internet surveillance of the
> regime.  He told me that the items were distributed by an organisation
> named Damascus Revolutionary Council, but this was ‘mere theater’;
> nobody should notice that the United States helped the Syrian
> revolution by arming it.”
> There is a longer section in the article later on (»Katz und Maus«,
> p. 35) which discusses the Office for Syrian Opposition Support
> (OSOS), non-lethal aid (»nichttödlicher Hilfe«), and the supply of
> satellite phones, high-tech walkie-talkies, proxy sofware, etc. to the
> tune of 123 million USD in 2013, mostly to the Free Syrian Army.
> -- 
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