[liberationtech] What "elections" News Challenge proposals excite you?

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Thu Mar 19 13:24:50 PDT 2015

Please share some links to your proposal or to those you like most.

Here is one ...

Thanks to power of Google Docs and Skype chatter, a collaborative crew from
six countries worked on this (more below from Martin):

Who Are My Candidates?


If you like the idea of leveraging the UK's http://YourNextMP.com code in
your city, state or nation to generate fundamental open data on
candidates,  join the Poplus.org online group: http://bit.ly/poplusgroup

Also, if you really want to tune in or help now, join the UK Democracy
Club's online group:

Start coding:

Or start helping with the crowd-sourcing on UK candidates:

More from Martin in Argentina below ...

Steven Clift
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Martín Szyszlican" <martinsz at gmail.com>
Date: Mar 19, 2015 1:33 PM
Subject: [Poplus] NewsChallenge: Who Are My Candidates? Fundamental
election data, and fundamentally useful voter tools, in six countries.
To: "poplus" <poplus at googlegroups.com>

Today is the last day of the Knight NewsChallenge and after a great work by
members of the poplus federation we have published our entry, you can read
it fully (and applaud it if you like) here:

I have been pushing for this for the past few months and we finally managed
to have a great proposal, I really hope the challenge's judges will think
the same.

The stated goal is to provide election information in six countries, and
the poplus-related goal is to make yournextmp a truly global tool, with a
popit backend and a host of popolo-based tools implemented or improved in
each country.
I mean Write-it, Cargografias, Twittelection and even add new tools by
making VotaInteligente (a tool from Ciudadano Inteligente in Chile) be able
to consume from PopIt.

April 13th is the day we find out weather we made it to the next round,
they will pick 50 projects out fo the more than 600 proposals and those
will have to provide a more specific budget and timeline.

Thanks to all.

*Martín Szyszlican*
Desarrollo web usable y accesible

Poplus.org - Get involved: http://poplus.org/get-involved
IRC: #poplus https://webchat.freenode.net
Docs: http://bit.ly/poplusdrive
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