[liberationtech] Postdoctoral Position for Connected Learning at UC Irvine

Jamieson Pond jpond at hri.uci.edu
Tue Jun 30 11:15:43 PDT 2015

Position: Postdoctoral Scholar
Application Deadline: July 31, 2015
Link: https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/apply/JPF02800

One postdoctoral position is available in the Digital Media & Learning Research Hub (http://dmlhub.net/), at the UC Humanities Research Institute, based on the University of California, Irvine campus. The postdoctoral scholar will collaborate in a MacArthur Foundation-funded research network on Connected Learning, investigating how digital and networked media can support interest-driven and socially connected forms of learning. The postdoctoral scholar will be responsible for conducting ethnographic and design research on interest-driven learning with digital media, with a focus on parental involvement. The project will involve building on an existing body of research to develop and study how families can more productively engage with digital media. Research, design, and writing will be conducted as part of a collaborative team effort with principle investigators and others involved in the research network.

Requirements – Candidates should have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline and research experience with contemporary developments concerning youth, digital media and learning. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in ethnographic and online research with families and youth and expertise in learning theory, Internet research, and design research. Fluency in Spanish is desirable. Evidence of collaborative and mixed methods research will also be valued. Travel may be required in this position to perform research and meet with collaborators.

Position is dependent on extramural funding. Initial appointment is for one year and renewal is based on performance and is contingent on receipt of project funding. Review of applications will begin May 11, 2015, and will continue through application deadline of July 31, 2015.

The appointment may begin as early as January 1, 2016 and would continue until December 31, 2016, renewable for an additional year, pending review and available funding. Annual salary ranges from $52,000 to $56,243 depending on experience.

Application Procedure: Applications should be submitted online at https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/apply/JPF02800 and must include:

1. Letter of Interest (including research skills)
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Three Letters of Reference
4. Writing Sample

More information about the Connected Learning Research Network can be found at CLRN.dmlhub.net.

Jamieson Pond, Research Community Manager
Digital Media & Learning Research Hub
jpond at hri.uci.edu
(949) 824-6205
dmlhub.net | dmlcentral.net | clrn.dmlhub.net | Spigot.org
Twitter: @dmlresearchhub

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