[liberationtech] Flok Society 's book (Tueday 16th): a new path for the global commons

Bernardo Gutiérrez bernardobrasil at gmail.com
Sun Jun 14 12:15:59 PDT 2015


We are in the final stretch of the publication of the results of FLOK
Society ' s collaborative research.

The official day of release of the book will be on Tuesday 16 th , in
Quito. The book will also be available for free download in various digital
formats. Besides that, on 16 th there will be a hang out with some of the
authors and contributors.

Here a text that explain more


This is the final figure of the book:

FLOK Society / Buen Conocer. Sustainable and public policy models
for a social economy of the common and open knowledge in Ecuador
David Vila-Vinas and Xabier Barandiaran E. (Eds.)

Thanks p.i.

Daniel Vazquez p.vii

FLOKeando in Ecuador
Milton Cerda p.xi

David Vila-Vinas & Xabier Barandiaran E. p.1

The  FLOK Society process
E. Xabier Barandiaran, David Vila-Vinas & Daniel Vazquez p.7

PART 1. Strengthening collective intelligence
1.1 Education: Open Educational Resources
David Vila-Vinas, Daniel Araya & Paul Bouchard p.61

Science 1.2: Collaborative research, participatory and open
E. Xabier Barandiaran, Daniel Araya & David Vila-Vinas p.143

1.3 Culture: access and sustainability in the era of free culture
David Vila-Vinas, Carolina Botero, Sylvie Duran, Jorge Gemetto, Bernardo
Gutierrez Pilar Saenz & Pedro Soler p.223

PART 2. commons oriented  productive capacities
2.1 Agri-Food: open and sustainable food system in
George Dafermos & José Luis Vivero Pol p.293

2.2 Biodiversity: citizen science, ancestral knowledge and
biodiversity applied in social knowledge economy

  Stefano Golinelli, Karina Vega-Villa & Juan Fernando VillaRomero

2.3 Manufacturing: Open design and distributed manufacturing
George Dafermos p.397

2.4 Energy: Free Knowledge, distributed power and empowerment
social for a change in the energy matrix
George Dafermos, Panos Kotsampopoulos, Kostas Latoufis, Ioannis

Beatriz Rivela, Fausto Paulino Washima, Pere Ariza-Montobbio & Jesus

PART 3. Institutions, society and communities

3.1 Institutions: Knowledge society, social economy and
partner State

John Restakis p.479

3.2 Communities: Knowledge and expertise originating, traditional and

Juan Manuel Crespo & David Vila-Vinas p.551

PART 4. open and free technical infrastructure
4.1 Hardware: Ecosystem-based innovation and production hardware
Alan Lazalde, Jenny Torres & David Vila-Vinas P.619

4.2 Software: Free and open source software in government
Jenny Torres & Mariangela Petrizzo p.653

4.3 Connectivity: Accessibility, sovereignty and self-management
communications infrastructure
Jenny Torres & David Vila-Vinas p.703

Quito Declaration p.739
Authors / s p.749

Best regards


@bernardosampa (twitter) / @futura_media
São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fixo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)

@bernardosampa (twitter) / @futura_media
São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fixo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
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