[liberationtech] [MENA] Collecting data on preventing access to information in Egypt

Muzammil M. Hussain mzmmlh at umich.edu
Tue Jun 9 04:51:21 PDT 2015

FYI, please share with relevant contacts/lists.

Kind regards,

*Dr. Muzammil M. Hussain*
*Assistant Professor*, Department of Communication Studies | LSA
*Faculty Associate*, Center for Political Studies | ISR
The University of Michigan | Ann Arbor

*Visiting Scholar, University of Cambridge *(Digital Humanities Strategic
Network | CRASSH <http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/>)
*Visiting Scholar, University of Oxford *(Comparative Media Law & Policy
Program | CSLS <http://www.csls.ox.ac.uk/>)

*Completed projects:*
- *Democracy's Fourth Wave? Digital Media and the Arab Spring* (Oxford
University Press
- *State Power 2.0: Authoritarian Entrenchment and Political Engagement
Worldwide* (Ashgate Publishing <http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781409454694>)

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 7:09 AM, Mahmoud Banhawi <mbanhawi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dears,
> We've launched a survey in order to collect data and testimonies on
> preventing people from accessing public information by Egyptian public
> authorities. i \ think some of us had encountered that before, especially
> while doing any kind of research that required data held by public bodies.
> I invite you , if interested,   to fill the survey and spread it among
> concerned parties.
> Link to the survey:
> http://goo.gl/forms/ZQrzMDJUOv
> I appreciate your help,
> Mahmoud
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