[liberationtech] Fwd: 3D Digital Humanitarians

Spike spikeuk1 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 23:17:59 PDT 2015

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3D Digital Humanitarians
New! July/August 2016 Edition of the Digital Humanitarians Newsletter

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  Digital Humanitarians - 3D

      3D Digital Humanitarians - July/August 2015


How Will Virtual Reality Change Digital Humanitarian Action?*

Oculus Rift, the first consumer-targeted virtual reality headset, may 
become the /pièce de résistance/ of Digital Humanitarians when it comes 
out in early 2016. This headset will enable humanitarians to be 
digitally "present" in humanitarian crises, allowing them to carry out 
disaster damage assessments in 3D from anywhere in the world. Where will 
this imagery come from? UAVs. Ironically, it will take this shift to 
UAVs and 3D to improve field-based assessments in the real world. Here's 

*Proof that Humanitarian Organizations are Forward-Thinking*

I just ran a 3-day Policy Forum on Humanitarian UAVs which was hosted 
and supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. Participants included 
UN/OCHA, UNHCR, WFP, DPKO, ICRC and a dozen other experts. The purpose 
of the Forum was to develop draft guidelines to promote the safe, 
coordinated and effective use of UAVs in humanitarian settings. The 
evidence base for the added value of UAVs in humanitarian missions is 
still thin, which is why it is all the more remarkable that 
forward-thinking guidelines are already being drafted. As such, the 
question for everyone at the Forum was not whether UAVs will have a 
significant impact, but rather what guidelines are needed now to guide 
the impact that this new technology will inevitably have on future 
humanitarian efforts. More here 
on the Forum and guidelines.

*Pioneering Digital Humanitarian Action in Jakarta*

To say that Indonesia’s capital is prone to flooding would be an 
understatement. Well over 40% of Jakarta is at or below sea level. Add 
to this a rapidly growing population of over 10 million and you have a 
recipe for recurring disasters. Increasing the resilience of the city’s 
residents to flooding is thus imperative. Thankfully, Digital 
Humanitarians in Jakarta recently launched one of the most promising 
humanitarian technology initiatives I’ve seen in years. Code named Peta 
Jakarta, the project takes social media and digital humanitarian action 
to the next level. Read more here 

*Personal Thoughts*

I'm finally home after being on the road /nonstop/ since February. So 
I'm happily getting back into the healthy habit of tending to my 
roofgarden early in the mornings, which is good for the soul (even if 
a squirrel seems to be stealing all the tomatoes). I'm also getting back 
in to aerial photography and thoroughly enjoying the new DJI Phantom 3 
UAV, which is lightyears ahead of the Phantom 1 I flew in 2013. One 
reason I enjoy aerial photography is because it gets me out of the house 
and into the countryside, which is also good for the soul.

And that's it from me, thanks for reading!

With gratitude,

/Copyright © 2015 Digital Humanitarians, All rights reserved./

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