[liberationtech] Spain's Electoral Rebellion: Welcome to the Post-Party Political (II)

Lluís Batlle i Rossell viric at viric.name
Sat Jul 18 06:49:08 PDT 2015


as for the Catalan side, it looks to me like a pretty bad analysis. Zero
mention of the Catalan movement to recover the independence, zero mention
of "Barcelona en Comú" being built mostly by those who where in the
Barcelona mayor's office in coalition the last 20 years, etc...

As declared by Pablo Iglesias, he seeks most of the support from the
non-castilian regions in the next general elections (Catalunya, València,
Balears, Euskal Herria), because these for sure do not have any
representative in the castillian-pole PSOE & PP. They are the
"unknown option", and there is no evidence that they may behave any better
than what PSOE did in the 80s. By now, the movement is completely
similar: based on leaders. Whole ideologies, without political record in
charge, spread in the mass-media all the time with a very single face: the

Sorry, but this your analysis looks to me like political propaganda,
neglecting very relevant parallel movements and critics.

This would be political discussion, though, and usage of media. This is a
list for empowering through technology, which is quite aside of this


On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 10:14:50AM -0300, Bernardo Gutiérrez wrote:
> Hello
> I published in spanish and portuguese a text around the "confluences" that
> are now governing some important cities in Spain (Madrid, Barcelone,
> Zaragoza....). As many world media explained the phenomenom as PODEMOS and
> it is much more complex, I now publis it in english. Ahora Madrid and
> Barcelona en Comú, among others, are different from PODEMOS, but part of
> the same ecosystem. Free software and open platforms were the core of the
> process, so, you will be interested.
> Spain's Electoral Rebellion: Welcome to the Post-Party Political (I)
> http://www.occupy.com/article/spains-electoral-rebellion-welcome-post-party-political-era-part-i
> Spain's Electoral Rebellion: Welcome to the Post-Party Political (II)
> http://www.occupy.com/article/spains-electoral-rebellion-welcome-post-party-political-era-part-ii
> I acknowledge in public the effort for the translation to Pablo Benson and
> Mateo Fernández Muro (from OWS New York)
> Best
> Bernardo
> -- 
> www.futuramedia.net
> www.codigo-abierto.cc
> @bernardosampa (twitter) / @futura_media
> São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fixo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)

> -- 
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