[liberationtech] Community Technology in Cuba Report -- corrected link

peter miller peterm at igc.org
Mon Jul 13 16:54:28 PDT 2015

The correct address for the report is www.peterbmiller.wordpress.com/cuba-project ---pm

>I send this along in appreciation for the suggestions and responsiveness to my post in April.
>-----peter miller
>                    * * * * *
>          alt-rootsofhope.org: Between a Rock and a Hard Place 
>There are a couple of key markers, stopping off points on the Community Technology road between the US and Cuba, and an especially useful one is rootsofhope.org.  It’s got prime resources and lessons to teach, about what to do, and what not to do.
>What’s not to like? — www.rootsofhope.org is a bilingual “international network of students and young professionals working to inspire young people across the globe to think about Cuba and proactively support our young counterparts on the island through innovative means.” As “a nonprofit, nonpartisan movement,” it’s supported with big name endorsers, a funding program, travel support, and a “Tech4Cuba” component, gathering and distributing new and used equipment. 
>The show-stopper for this self-proclaimed “nonprofit, non-partisan” effort is near the bottom of the page:  “Right now, 11 million people in Cuba are systematically denied the ability to exercise their most fundamental rights and actualize their full potential. Living under the Western Hemisphere’s last dictatorship, Cuba’s people are denied their most basic rights of free speech, free association and information freedom.”
>For more, see the full report at www.peterbmiller.wordpress.org/cuba-project —

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