[liberationtech] Dead Tree Lovers -- Call for Books
Moritz Bartl
moritz at headstrong.de
Sun Jul 5 14:34:06 PDT 2015
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tl;dr: We want your books. Send them to us.
In December 2014, over 500 books were brought to Chaos
Communication Congress in Hamburg for an experiment:
During the busy days of Congress, with over 12.000
visitors, how will people react to a library of dead
In partnership with La Quadrature Du Thé and the Congress
team, a cozy reading area was set up on the fourth floor.
For us Dead Tree Lovers, to see all seats and carpet space
occupied almost 24/7 by interested readers filled us with
The library lives on! And has considerably grown since. The
database now contains over 666 titles. As a travelling
library, we will bring it to places near you, to
hacker events and hackerspaces, to other public spaces.
It is currently hosted and accessible around the clock at
OpenLab Augsburg, Germany, for free borrowing or cheap
purchase, replacing existing books by other used copies.
The database is limited in that it does not yet contain
all of the historical material that we have so far
collected on the earlier days of hacking, pre-80s. Thanks
to Werner Pieper, a friend of Wau Holland and publisher,
we have started to add rare material from the good old
times when hacking was part of the broader political
counterculture movement and not yet mainstream. Thanks to
the CCC, we are now hosting a complete paper archive of
the Chaos Computer Club publication 'Die Datenschleuder'.
The Humanistische Union (HU) donated most (all?) of their
WE WANT MORE. The library needs your help. Please send
us your books and reading suggestions for us to hunt down
paper copies! Or better yet, send us offers first.
We're open for anything tech, political, scifi, as long
as you feel it influenced your life profoundly and is
worth reading. The focus is hacker culture and its history
in the broader sense. It is not necessary to give your
books away forever, we can log the source and return
it if and when you want it back.
Dead Tree Lovers c/o OpenLab Augsburg e.V.
Elisenstrasse 1
D-86159 Augsburg, Germany
JOIN! We have started a mailing list to discuss all kinds
of book matters: book scanning, library software (or lack
thereof), book recommendations etc.
the DTL team // July 2015
irc.hackint.org #deadtreelovers
rss: https://www.librarything.com/rss/recent/hacklib
twitter: https://twitter.com/hacklibrary
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