[liberationtech] Can anyone help me get my account unblocked on Facebook?!

aestetix aestetix at aestetix.com
Sun Jul 5 08:21:03 PDT 2015

Please let us know how things work out, I will be very interested to see
if they reinstate your account (without sending ID).

On 7/5/15 5:19 PM, Inna Malina wrote:
> Thank you, Arzak!
> They contacted me right away offering help, however it seems they don't
> have a way around Facebook policies requiring IDs.
> I hope the matter can be resolved soon.
> I am now blocked for 5 days.
> Thank you,
> Inna
> On 2015-07-05 3:46 am, Arzak Khan wrote:
>> Inna,
>> Access has been pressuring Facebook to change their stance on
>> the real-name policy for some time. Gustaf from Access also on the
>> list shared this email earlier.
>> I think you should also contact the Access Digital Security Helpline at
>> help at accessnow.org, the 24/7/365 staff there may be able to assist you
>> get your list of Facebook activist accounts reinstated.
>> We at Internet Policy Observatory Pakistan would be supporting Access
>> in this initiative as it seriously jeopardizes the security of
>> activists from our region.
>> Best,
>> Arzak
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2015 21:41:49 -0600
>> From: p.inna at lycos.com
>> To: achukin at riseup.net; liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
>> Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Can anyone help me get my account
>> unblocked on Facebook?!
>> We should change these rules. Facebook should review and improve their
>> policies so they don't discriminate people and should invest into
>> proper Help Desk with human beings reviewing the cases, not automatic
>> blocking. I wonder what might help Facebook, a lawsuit in Canada maybe?
>> On 2015-07-04 3:15 pm, A.Chukin wrote:
>>     I also have an example of the same problem with negligence in FB account
>>     blocking policy. One of the technical activists who supported civil
>>     society in Ukraine and help them with cyber defence get blocked by FB by
>>     reason of providing ID for unblock. It is obvious that it was happend by
>>     some outside "claim" from "well-wishers", but it is absolutely
>>     impossible to contact FB directly with explanations and he is completely
>>     rule out sending them any of his IDs, becouse it is a question of his
>>     personal safety. Very pity situation when many people suffer from
>>     burocracy of others.
>>     03.07.2015 13:09, Arzak Khan пишет:
>>         I think Facebook real name policy is very hypocritical and is
>>         negative against activists working in regions like yourself
>>         and ours in Pakistan. We also have a list of Facebook users
>>         and activists pages that have been blocked on reports of
>>         government supported trolls. I am not sure if you can unblock
>>         your ID by submitting a letter only as a user is required as
>>         per their policy to submit a photo identification document.
>>         Anyone on the list have any experience with it? Cheers! Arzak
>>         Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 21:57:13 -0600 From: p.inna at lycos.com
>>         <mailto:p.inna at lycos.com> To:
>>         liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
>>         <mailto:liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu> Subject:
>>         [liberationtech] Can anyone help me get my account unblocked
>>         on Facebook?! I am a Ukrainian Canadian activist and my
>>         country of origin is at war. I created several groups on
>>         Facebook, including Russian Speaking Canada for Peace, a
>>         political forum, which debunks Kremlin run propaganda, and has
>>         over 1800 members. I also run fundraisers on Facebook to help
>>         orphaned children evacuated from war-torn areas of Ukraine. I
>>         am on Facebook since 2007 and don't pretend to be someone I am
>>         not: the birthday, contact info, photos are all mine and my
>>         friends know who I am. When Russia invaded and annexed
>>         Ukrainian territory Crimea, I changed my legal last name to a
>>         pseudonym, to protect my family and people I work with outside
>>         social media from bullying by Putin supporters, since the
>>         threats and bullying online were/are abundant. Yesterday, on
>>         Canada Day, Facebook blocked my account (obviously following a
>>         report from someone who tries to stop my activism) and
>>         demanded to confirm my name by submitting my ID online.
>>         Instead of ID I submitted a letter saying that I get regular
>>         threats and feel rather uncomfortable sending my
>>         identification documents via insecure online channels. I did
>>         add that I can show them to a legitimate representative or
>>         even in Skype, but they can't expect a photocopy of a driving
>>         license or social insurance card to be e-mailed or submitted
>>         through some suspicious form online. Only last month Facebook
>>         has come under fire for biased political blocking of accounts
>>         of Russian opposition and Ukrainian activists who are
>>         constantly cyber-attacked by the paid army of Putin trolls.
>>         The petition, which has already collected close to 15000
>>         signatures, states: "Facebook indiscriminately reacts to these
>>         reports by blocking the accounts of prominent Ukrainian public
>>         figures and Russian dissenters. Lately, the bans have become
>>         so frequent that we can now claim that Facebook has become an
>>         efficient tool of the Kremlin."
>>         https://www.change.org/p/facebook-stop-political-blocking-on-facebook
>>         Facebook "real name" policy has also come under scrutiny
>>         multiple times and has been called discriminatory. Petition by
>>         performers, which collected over 40000 signatures asserts:
>>         "Facebook tells us that "it looks like you're not using your
>>         real name," before requiring us to change it. We cannot
>>         emphasize enough that Facebook is a poor arbiter of what is or
>>         isn't a "real name." Performers with legitimate-appearing
>>         names get locked out of their accounts while people with
>>         account names like "Jane ICanBeBadAllByMyself Doe" go without
>>         scrutiny."
>>         https://www.change.org/p/facebook-allow-performers-to-use-their-stage-names-on-their-facebook-accounts
>>         People using aboriginal names were discriminated by Facebook
>>         too.
>>         http://www.cbc.ca/news/trending/facebook-flags-aboriginal-names-as-not-authentic-1.2970993
>>         Just few days back, on June 30, Zuckerberg explained: "If your
>>         friends all call you by a nickname and you want to use that
>>         name on Facebook, you should be able to do that," he said. In
>>         this case, he said, the policy "should be able to support
>>         everyone using their own real names, including everyone in the
>>         transgender community." So it is not clear anymore, is
>>         Zuckerberg lying to Facebook users or is he simply ignorant of
>>         what his staff does. When will Facebook start treating its
>>         users with basic respect, when will it stop political blocking
>>         and discrimination?
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