[liberationtech] What should the "liberation tech" response be to ISIS-related recruiting online?

Muzammil Hussain mzmmlh at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 11:20:06 PDT 2015

Hi -- these folk <http://www.affinislabs.com/founders.html> seem to be up
to something <http://www.haqqathon.com/>. Anyone else have similar examples
of CVE
tech startups/hackathons?


Dr. Muzammil M. Hussain | mmhussain.net <http://www.mmhussain.net/>
*Assistant Professor*, Department of Communication Studies | LSA
*Faculty Associate*, Center for Political Studies | ISR
The University of Michigan | Ann Arbor <http://www.umich.edu/>

*Visiting Scholar, University of Cambridge *(Digital Humanities Strategic
Network | CRASSH <http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/>)
*Visiting Scholar, University of Oxford *(Comparative Media Law & Policy
Program | CSLS <http://www.csls.ox.ac.uk/>)

*Completed projects:*
- *Democracy's Fourth Wave? Digital Media and the Arab Spring* (Oxford
University Press
- *State Power 2.0: Authoritarian Entrenchment and Political Engagement
Worldwide* (Ashgate Publishing <http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781409454694>)

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 9:53 AM, Steven Clift <clift at e-democracy.org> wrote:

> Any reactions to this NYTimes article?
> ISIS and the Lonely Young American
> http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/28/world/americas/isis-online-recruiting-american.html?_r=0
> What responsibilities emerge and how do they balance with freedoms and
> rights we aspire to see online being used essentially for very bad
> things.
> Steven Clift  -  Executive Director, E-Democracy.org
>    clift at e-democracy.org  -  +1.612.234.7072
>    @democracy  -  http://linkedin.com/in/netclift
> E-Democracy can help: http://e-democracy.org/services
> --
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