[liberationtech] The Future of Security Journalism

Jens Kubieziel maillist at kubieziel.de
Wed Jan 28 05:51:40 PST 2015

* Nathan Andrew Fain schrieb am 2015-01-28 um 14:17 Uhr:
> International journalists are not in a better position. The legal
> framework in some ways is worse than in the US. Specifically in
> Germany for information security journalism, it is still against the
> law to distribute (host) any code or tool that has an alternate use
> that could in the end be used for something illegal [1]. This is

The german journal iX once distributed a copy of Backtrack and made a
self-indictment. This was later quashed, because one need to have
criminal intent for a prosecution. The constitutional court also said
something similar.

So you can distribute dual-use tools and it is done on a regular basis

Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de
Das Beste in der Musik steht nicht in den Noten. Gustave Flaubert

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