[liberationtech] Computational Epidemiology: The role of big data and pervasive * 4:15PM, Wed January 21, 2015 in Gates B03

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jan 20 10:31:03 PST 2015

Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium
  4:15PM, Wednesday, January 21, 2015
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building Room B3

Computational Epidemiology: The role of big data and pervasive informatics

  Madhav Marathe
Network Dynamics and Simulation Science Laboratory
Virginia Bio-Informatics Institute
Dept. of Computer Science
Virginia Tech

 *CORRECTION: This talk will be given January 21 not January 14 as
previously announced.*
 *About the talk: *

Pandemics such as H1N1 influenza are global outbreaks of infectious
disease. Human behavior, social contact networks, and pandemics are closely
intertwined. The ordinary behavior and daily activities of individuals
create varied and dense social interactions that are characteristic of
modern urban societies. They provide a perfect fabric for rapid,
uncontrolled disease propagation. During the course of an epidemic,
individuals and institutions modify their normal behavior based on their
perceived severity and risk. The resulting co-evolution of individual and
collective behaviors, contact networks and epidemics must be taken into
account while designing effective planning and response strategies.

Recent advances in high performance pervasive computing and big data have
created new opportunities for collecting, integrating, analyzing and
accessing information about evolving social interactions. The advances in
network and information science that build on this new capability provide
entirely new ways for reasoning and controlling epidemics.

In this talk I will overview of the state of the art in computational
networked epidemiology with an emphasis on computational thinking and high
performance computing oriented decision-support environments to support
planning and response in the event of pandemics. I will describe our
approach within the context of a specific recent application: modeling to
support Ebola Outbreak Response in West Africa.

*Slides: *

There is no downloadable version of the slides for this talk available at
this time.

*Videos: *

   -  Join the live presentation.
   <http://coursematerials.stanford.edu/live/ee380.asx> Wednesday January
   21, 4:15-5:30.  Requires Microsoft Windows Media player.
   - View video by lecture sequence.
   Winter 2015 only, HTML5. Available after 8PM on the days of the lecture.
   - View Video on YouTube about 24 hours after the day of the lecture.

 *About the speaker: *

  [image: [speaker photo]]  Madhav Marathe is the director of the Network
Dynamics and Simulation Science Laboratory and professor in the Department
of Computer Science, Virginia Tech. His research interests are in
computational epidemiology, network science, design and analysis of
algorithms, computational complexity, communication networks and high
performance computing.

Before coming to Virginia Tech, he was a Team Leader in the Computer and
Computational Sciences division at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
(LANL) where he led the basic research programs in foundations of computing
and high performance simulation science for analyzing extremely large
socio-technical and critical infrastructure systems. He is a Fellow of the
IEEE, ACM and was recently elected as an AAAS Fellow.

  *Contact information: *

Madhav Marathe
Email:   mmarathe at vbi.vt.edu


See the Colloquium website, http://ee380.stanford.edu, for scheduled
speakers, FAQ, and additional information. Stanford and SCPD students can
enroll in EE380 for one unit of credit. Anyone is welcome to attend; talks
are webcast live and archived for on-demand viewing over the web.
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