[liberationtech] Open Source Videoconference platform

Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes alps6085 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 15:06:03 PST 2015

Are these platforms scalable to many participants? easy to use for
non-techies? low-bandwidth consumption? easy to share live via ustream or
other live video streaming platform? easy to record and post later in
youtube or other widely available video platforms?

Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,

Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
<alps at acm.org>
+1 (347) 766-5008

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Julian Oliver <julian at julianoliver.com>

> ..on Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 08:16:22AM -0600, Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco
> Sanfuentes wrote:
> > Is there such a thing? Reliable? Skype sucks, and it is a Microsoft
> product
> > now (too flickery, etc.), and I don't know of others..
> Jitsi with XMPP (jabber) works well for me. I've given a few video lectures
> using it.
>     https://jitsi.org/
>     https://jitsi.org/index.php/Register/Register
> With Chromium or Chrome you can also use Jiti purely in the browser,
> albeit I
> haven't had great luck with it:
>     https://meet.jit.si/
> A similar offering is:
>     http://talky.io
> Cheers,
> --
> Julian Oliver
> http://julianoliver.com
> http://criticalengineering.org
> PGP key: https://julianoliver.com/key.asc
> Beware the auto-complete life.
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