[liberationtech] Whatsapp, a Trojan horse for seekers of easy privacy?

Al Billings albill at openbuddha.com
Fri Jan 16 14:12:38 PST 2015

> On Jan 16, 2015, at 2:07 PM, Leif Ryge <leif at synthesize.us> wrote:
> I did see two answers earlier, Iceland and Switzerland. There are many other
> countries besides those two where it also seems very unlikely that companies
> would be subjected to the sort of legal orders that we now know US companies
> routinely receive. That obviously doesn't mean that TAO or GCHQ's equivalent
> won't try to compromise them without their knowledge, but that approach is
> obviously a much riskier and less reliable than the legal means used in the US.

What makes you think Iceland and Switzerland don’t have security and intelligence services that could have legal orders issued or that occasionally cooperate internationally with other organizations? Is it simply because Wikileaks managed to be in Iceland for quite a while?


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