[liberationtech] Whatsapp, a Trojan horse for seekers of easy privacy?

Carolyn Santo cysanto at hawaii.rr.com
Thu Jan 15 11:41:48 PST 2015

Not by going elsewhere.  By changing the direction and/or leadership of 
the country.

I'd like to go back toward the direction of land of the free and home of 
the brave instead of a place where it's illegal to buy a Big Gulp and 
it's considered unfair that I work my butt off and earn a lot of money 
because people who don't want to work aren't satisfied with the level of 
food stamps they receive or the brand of free cell phone they get from a 
free government program.  ALSO, a place where my last sentence wouldn't 
be considered racist.  It's ridiculous that my 13 year old son feels 
compelled to apologize every time he uses the word black, even when he's 
describing the color of a kitchen appliance.

Sorry, not tech related, but I had to chime in.


On 1/15/2015 9:25 AM, Al Billings wrote:
>> On Jan 15, 2015, at 11:20 AM, J.M. Porup <jm at porup.com> wrote:
>> On 01/15/15 13:45, Al Billings wrote:
>>> Insisting that we both can and cannot (at the same time) trust people like Moxie simply because they live in the USA and the NSA exists is stupid. I don’t see a suggestion of what jurisdiction the author thinks people can live within where there won’t be the same issues. From there, the list of demands gets rather high and the list of solutions non-existent.
>>> I’m well aware of the Snowden revelations. I’m also well aware that people like Moxie are doing good work to try to counter some of the NSA grabs of Internet data. The post read like crazy person FUD.
>>> Which country should people be in where the government isn’t going to try to potentially legally compel them to do things or spy on their communications? Where is your utopia of freedom?
>> There is no utopia of freedom. But we can avoid the dystopia of tyranny
>> the United States is rapidly becoming.
> By going where? Please do say.

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