[liberationtech] Afrileaks

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) - lists lists at infosecurity.ch
Wed Jan 14 06:34:06 PST 2015

On 1/14/15 11:51 AM, Marcin de Kaminski wrote:
> Dear all,
> What do you make of Afrileaks?
> http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/13/wikileaks-for-africa-introducing-afrileaks
> https://afrileaks.org/

Yo, as part of the Hermes Center (GlobaLeaks) that's the technology
partner of AfriLeaks, would like provide a bit of general context of
that kind of initiatives.

GlobaLeaks software is a Whistleblowing Framework being used for
different Whistleblowing initiatives in different sectors and context
such as Journalism, Activism, Anticorruption, Public Agencies control,
Corporate compliance with the goal to be easy to install, configure,
customize, deploy for non-tech people.
More info on https://globaleaks.org + list of globaleaks adopters on
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GlobaLeaks#Implementations .

PubLeaks it's an initiative based on GlobaLeaks that has been launched
in September 2013 in the Netherlands where multiple media joined as a
consortium, enabling Sources to send out tip-off by deciding "to who
send the information" by stimulating a peculiar mix of collaboration and
More info on http://publeaks.nl (it's in dutch)

That's what we call "Multi Stakeholder Whistleblowing Initiatives" (Ie:

We partnered with Hivos Foundation and Free Press Unlimited to work on
pushing more Publeaks-like projects where multiple civil society players
(ie: small media or investigative journalism groups) join together to
provide a safe way for concerned citizens to report malpractices.

The group of NGOs supported ANCIR in organizing, developing and
deploying the AfriLeaks project, that's a very challenging Pan-African
multi-stakeholder Whistleblowing initiative, plenty of potential.

In parallel we are supporting also other organizations that have done
something similar in other area (such as the Spanish
http://www.filtrala.org) or that are preparing similar multi-stakeholder
projects in other areas (such as South America and East Europe) and
other sectors (such as Anti-Corruption).

Each projects have it's own challenge in terms of complexity, capability
building, threat modelling, risks, training, logistics and costs.

It would be interesting to see some kind of funding schema to support
NGOs and activists group willing to setup Whistleblowing initiatives for
Public Interests purposes, in order to give them all the operational and
financial support that they need to be successful in leveraging
"Whistleblowing solicitation" as a transparency-tool.

It's plenty of *valuable* organization that want to setup Whistleblowing
initiatives for public interests purposes, but often lacks proper
funding and/or the proper organizational capacity.

I think that we would see many country-based PubLeaks-like initiatives
if there would the right approach to push that kind of initiative.

A collaborative leak-site in each country of the world, would be a nice
target for 2017? :-)

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) @fpietrosanti
HERMES - Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights
http://logioshermes.org - https://globaleaks.org - https://tor2web.org - https://ahmia.fi

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