[liberationtech] Surveillance in Africa?

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Feb 19 11:23:38 PST 2015

From: Hille Koskela <hille.koskela at utu.fi>

Has anybody done research on surveillance in Africa (South of Sahara)?

I’m on my way to Dar es Salaam for a month and would be grateful of

1. Any reading tips considering surveillance in the former British
colonies and South Africa – this could be your own articles or
anything else you might recommend (my main interest is CCTV &
public/private policing in urban space but others topics are also

2. Any signs of interest for future collaboration on this topic – the
long run plan would be to apply funding for an international group of
surveillance scholars

Thanks in advance for your response!

- hille


Hille Koskela
Professor of Human Geography
Division of Geography
University of Turku

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